
Reagan Library Marks D-Day 80th Anniversary with High-Profile Event

The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library is celebrating the 80th anniversary of D-Day with a special event. They are bringing together historians, military veterans, and politicians to talk about the impact of Operation Overlord and the D-Day landings. They will also look at what the world was like 80 years ago and discuss how President Reagan’s policies of “peace through strength” still matter today. The event will include a talk with former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and other important figures.

Martha MacCallum, a news anchor for Fox News, will also be in France to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day. She will broadcast her news program live from the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial, where she will speak with World War II veterans and a group of U.S. senators. 


In other news, the National Republican Congressional Committee has a special message for former President Donald Trump. They sent him a letter thanking him for protecting the country from “Radical Left hordes” and promising to keep fighting for him.

The House Budget Committee has some thoughts on President Biden’s new Executive Order about securing the U.S. borders. They say the order uses the same powers that President Biden criticized former President Trump for using. They also think that President Biden’s policies on immigration are too little, too late.

Senator John Cornyn has criticized Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer for having a short legislative schedule and for focusing on “partisan show votes.” He thinks the Senate needs to be more productive and take on the nation’s tough problems.

A recent poll found that only 18% of U.S. adults are “very hopeful” that political divisions in the country will lessen in the next year. This shows that many people are not optimistic about the country coming together.

Written by Staff Reports

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