
Reaganomics Crushes Biden’s Big Gov’t Blues in Voter Showdown

The iconic President Ronald Reagan, known for his charm and wit, once wowed the world with a plan so brilliant, it even made the G7 leaders gather ‘round just to ask for his “American miracle” recipe. Fast forward to today, and we’re in the era of “Bidenomics.” But let’s be real, folks – it doesn’t have the same ring to it as Reaganomics. In fact, folks are wishing President Joe Biden would find a different label for his policies because, let’s face it, “Bidenomics” is getting associated with high prices, high taxes, and a bloated government faster than you can say “Big Government Bureaucracy Bonanza.”

Not shocking at all, the Reagan way is still the bee’s knees for most folks according to the latest Rasmussen Reports survey. By a landslide, likely voters are saying “hold up, give us a smaller government, fewer services, and lower taxes, please and thank you.” It’s like a blast from the past – the majority of voters are giving a big thumbs up to the Reagan model and a big ol’ eye-roll to Biden’s grand plans.

And get this – a whopping 72% of folks are giving the side-eye to the Biden administration and saying “nah, we don’t think you’re spending our tax dollars too wisely.” Ouch, that’s gotta sting like accidentally sitting on a cactus. Not to mention, most voters are still gung-ho for a limited-government agenda, according to Rasmussen. It’s like a chorus of “smaller government, please” echoing through the land.

And of course, the partisan divide is wider than the Grand Canyon, as expected. Republican voters, bless their hearts, are overwhelmingly waving the flag for a smaller government with fewer services and lower taxes. Meanwhile, Democrat folks seem to be on a different wavelength, with a majority rooting for a more active government and higher taxes. But hey, at least some independent voters are also giving a big ol’ nod to lower taxes and a smaller government. It’s like a political tug-of-war out there, folks.

So there you have it, friends. The Reagan way is still winning hearts and minds, and “Bidenomics” might be needin’ a new jingle to catch folks’ fancy. As the 2024 presidential election looms on the horizon, it looks like President Biden might have a little extra homework to do if he wants to change folks’ minds about his economic game plan. Stay tuned, folks, because the political circus is just getting started!

Written by Staff Reports

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