
Reaganomics Still Reigns Supreme Over Biden’s Budget Bungles!

In the year 1981, the dashing and charismatic former President Ronald Reagan rolled out a groundbreaking economic plan that would go down in history as “Reaganomics.” While the liberals scoffed and turned their noses up at it, the plan quickly made America great again and had world leaders clamoring for the secret to the “American miracle” at the 9th G7 Economic Summit.

“I could tell our economic program was working when they stopped calling it Reaganomics,” quipped the Gipper with a twinkle in his eye.

Fast forward to present day, and we have President Joe Biden shamelessly touting his own economic plan as “Bidenomics.” But let’s be real, folks. Democrats are cringing because everyone knows that “Bidenomics” is just a fancy term for high prices, sky-high taxes, and bloated government. It’s like putting lipstick on a pig, but the lipstick is tax dollars and the pig is government waste.

It’s no shocker that Reagan’s tried and true formula is still the crowd favorite. A recent Rasmussen Reports survey spilled the tea, revealing that a majority of voters prefer Reagan’s small government, lower taxes, and fewer services over Biden’s big government, high taxes, and lavish spending. In fact, by a 52%-38% margin, likely voters said they’re all about that Reagan model.

And when it comes to the wise and careful spending of hard-earned tax dollars, the majority has spoken loud and clear. A whopping 72% of Americans gave a resounding “NO” when asked if the government spends their money wisely. Yikes, Biden, looks like the people aren’t too impressed with your dollar-squandering skills.

The numbers don’t lie, folks. The American people are not buying what Biden is selling. Even independent voters are nodding their heads in agreement, preferring lower taxes and a smaller government. It’s a no-brainer, really. Who wouldn’t want to keep more of their own money and have the government stay out of their business?

The partisan divide is as wide as the Grand Canyon, with Republican voters overwhelmingly backing a smaller government and lower taxes. Meanwhile, a good chunk of Democrats and unaffiliated voters are also hopping on the small government and lower taxes train. Looks like the allure of Reaganomics is still going strong, and Biden’s lavish spending spree is not winning over the crowd.

So, as the 2024 presidential election looms on the horizon, the White House might want to take a long, hard look at those numbers. Because when it comes to minding the nation’s wallet, Reaganomics is still the people’s choice, and Bidenomics is just drawing blank stares and eye rolls.

Written by Staff Reports

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