
Record-Breaking August: Biden’s Relentless Surge of Illegals Continues Unabated

Conservatives are still worried about the Biden administration's border policies and the large number of illegal immigrants coming into the country. Even though they say they have, Joe Biden, Alejandro Mayorkas as Secretary of DHS, and Karine Jean-Pierre as White House press secretary have not done much to stop the problem. The truth is that they seem to be openly encouraging people to come into the country illegally.

In August, the government set a number of marks for bringing in illegal aliens. This included a record amount of illegal immigrants, mostly from Mexico, as well as dependents who were not working. It's important to remember that Biden made big claims about illegal immigrants during the 2020 campaign. For example, he said he would welcome mariachi bands and even build a bridge along the southern border that would go north only.

Allow me to show you how bad the situation is by using just one example. About two hundred thousand people crossed the jungle in Venezuela in 2022 on their way to the U.S. border. That number has already gone over 360,000 this year. In August alone, the Biden administration let about 260,000 migrants across the border. This is a huge increase from President Trump's October 2020 admission of only 11,652 migrants.

Not only have there been more border crossings overall, but there have also been a lot more Mexican and Central American refugees coming into the country. Mayorkas, the border chief who supports immigration, has been letting in more Mexican migrants and increasing the number of migrants who use the "CPB One" app to make appointments at the border gates. A high number of women and children have also crossed the border to try to get back together with men who were previously allowed to enter.

The constant flow of illegal immigrants hurts American workers in real ways. Others say that the large number of illegal immigrants is already lowering wages for blue-collar workers. Some say that these immigrants only do low-level jobs and don't affect regular Americans. Harvard economist George J. Borjas has done research that backs up this claim. He has found that when the supply of workers goes up, wages go down for those groups.

There is no doubt that the Biden administration's loose border policies have had and will continue to have major effects on the country. It looks like Democrats care more about changing the U.S.'s demographics by bringing in people who might vote Democratic than they do about protecting American workers and following the law. As conservatives, we need to stay alert and keep holding the Biden government responsible for what they did wrong at the border.

Written by Staff Reports

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