
Record-Breaking Migrant Surge Ignites Border Crisis Further

In a shocking turn of events, Tuesday witnessed a staggering number of individuals crossing into the U.S. from Mexico, breaking all previous records. According to Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin, this influx of migrants is unparalleled, despite the already high number of successful entries since President Joe Biden took office. Melugin, citing unnamed sources from Customs and Border Protection, reported that more than 12,000 people crossed the border on Tuesday alone, marking “the highest single day total ever recorded.”

Melugin went on to add, with a touch of sarcasm, “This includes 10,200+ Border Patrol apprehensions of illegal immigrants, amongst the highest daily totals for BP ever recorded.” Demonstrating a stark contrast to the present situation, Melugin also provided some historical context by pointing out that just a few years ago, a fraction of Tuesday’s illegal entries would have been considered overwhelming.

Highlighting the severity of the current crisis, Melugin shared a quote from former Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, who served under President Obama. Johnson had once deemed 1,000 border crossings in a day as a “bad day” that “overwhelms the system,” and stated that 4,000 in a day would constitute a “crisis.” It is evident that those numbers pale in comparison to the current border situation, emphasizing the urgency to address this ongoing issue.

To put this in visual perspective, Melugin shared a video clip from Fox News showing hundreds of migrants illegally crossing the border into Arizona. These individuals, predominantly adult men from various countries including Syria, are entering the U.S. with the expectation of being released into the country. The sheer volume of border crossings, coupled with the risky migration routes taken by these individuals, emphasizes the need for immediate action to secure the border effectively.

The data provided by CBP further illustrates the magnitude of the problem. Since Biden assumed office in January 2021, over 6.5 million individuals have been encountered by CBP while attempting to cross the border. And that figure does not even include an estimated 1.5 million people who have successfully evaded apprehension, further exacerbating the already dire situation.

It is evident that the unchecked influx of migrants presents a significant challenge for the Biden administration. As the numbers continue to skyrocket, it is imperative that concrete steps are taken to address this crisis efficiently and protect the security and sovereignty of the United States.

Written by Staff Reports

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