
Rep Bucshon Ditches Congress – Swamp Drain or Running Scared?

In a move that’s got the Democrats chanting “ding dong the witch is dead,” Rep. Larry Bucshon of Indiana has announced he won’t be seeking reelection to the House next year. What’s the matter, Larry? Decided that making America great again just isn’t your cup of tea anymore? Maybe you’re finally realizing that we don’t need any more career politicians clogging up our government like hair in a shower drain.

Bucshon made his big announcement to the press on a sunny Monday, joining a parade of 38 other House members who are also calling it quits. But get this: unlike some of his colleagues, this seven-term Republican insists his decision isn’t because he’s sick and tired of the endless brawling in Congress. No, no, he wants us to believe that his faith in our government is still as strong as ever. Give us a break, Larry. If you really believed in our system, wouldn’t you want to stick around and fight for it?

But here’s the real kicker – nearly 40 House incumbents are already throwing in the towel, and we’re not even close to the big 2024 election yet. These politicians are high-tailing it out of Washington faster than a cat with its tail on fire. And get this: 16 of the quitters are Republicans and 23 are Democrats. You can practically see the smoke coming out of the back door of the Capitol building at this rate!

Now, we all know Washington is a circus, but this is getting out of hand. The last time so many lawmakers hit the dusty trail was back in 2018, and that was the biggest exodus since 1993. The rats are really jumping ship now, aren’t they?

But hold onto your hats, folks, because the plot thickens. Bucshon’s not the only one with the itch to move on to greener pastures. Out of the 39 House members who are throwing in the towel, a whopping 12 are setting their sights on the Senate. It’s like they’re playing political musical chairs! And if that’s not enough, we’ve got one Democrat aiming for governor and another shooting for the stars as a presidential candidate. Dream big, guys!

With all these retirements, it’s looking like it’s gonna be a real dogfight to secure a House majority in 2024. What’s even more interesting is that most of the retiring lawmakers are from safe districts, but a few Democrats in swing seats are heading for the hills. Looks like they’re not too confident about their chances, huh? Can’t blame ’em!

Written by Staff Reports

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