
Rep. Chip Roy Slams VP Harris as Mere Diversity Hire, Critiques Biden Admin

Rep. Chip Roy, the rambunctious Republican from Texas, has once again rattled the left’s cage by calling out Vice President Kamala Harris for being what he dubs a “diversity hire.” As far as Roy is concerned, Harris’s tenure is less about her capabilities and more about ticking off progressive checkboxes, much to the detriment of the United States.

Roy didn’t mince words when he explained the 2024 dilemma for the Democrats: a choice between sticking with president-in-name-only Joe Biden or trotting out Harris, the queen of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). According to Roy, Biden’s administration is more interested in identity politics than actual qualifications. He pointed out that the Democrats didn’t pick Harris because she was the best candidate; they picked her because she filled a DEI quota. And let’s be real; no one is looking at Harris and saying she’s the crème de la crème of vice-presidential picks.

Roy’s criticism didn’t stop there. He tore into Harris’s dismal performance as the “border czar,” accusing her of sitting idly by while the U.S. southern border turns into a sieve. One can hardly forget the tragic consequences of her inaction, like the death of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley. When placed in such a glaringly ineffective role, Harris seems less like a strategic choice and more like the Democrats’ diversity project gone awry.

In contrast, Roy had high praise for Dr. Ben Carson, Trump’s pick for the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Carson, an actual neurosurgeon and a man of substance, was chosen not because of his race but because of his qualifications and understanding of American values. The Democrats could take a page out of Trump’s playbook here, moving beyond appearances and selecting individuals based on merit.

Despite his relentless criticism, Roy isn’t just about stirring the pot. He recently announced he would file a resolution to invoke the 25th Amendment on account of Biden’s stumbling performance in the first 2024 presidential debate. According to Roy, Biden isn’t fit to finish his term, and given the rumblings about Harris potentially stepping in, Roy has made it clear that replacing one ineffective leader with another won’t fix anything.

The whispers of a Harris-for-Biden switcheroo are growing louder, especially as polls show her slightly edging out Trump and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in hypothetical matchups. Yet, for conservatives like Roy, swapping out Biden with Harris is like trading a broken-down car for one that’s just been recalled. It’s all driven by a misguided commitment to DEI rather than what truly matters: competence and real leadership.

Written by Staff Reports

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