
RFK Jr. Challenges Sleepy Joe to Debate – Will Biden Dare Show Up?

Well, well, well, it looks like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is challenging Sleepy Joe Biden to a debate. Can you believe it? As if Biden’s cognitive decline wasn’t obvious enough, RFK Jr. wants to put the whole charade on display for the American people. But let’s be real here, folks. The chances of Biden accepting this challenge are about as likely as teaching a pigeon to speak French. In other words, zero. Zip. Nada.

Now, Kennedy raised a valid point. Being the President of the United States is a tough job. It requires complexity and nuance, and let’s just say Biden is lacking in both of those areas. I mean, have you seen his recent press conference? It was a disaster. The man couldn’t even remember who he was talking to or where he was. And yet, he expects us to believe that he’s fit to be our leader? Give me a break.

But here’s the kicker, folks. If Donald Trump had displayed even a fraction of the cognitive decline that Biden has, the Democrats would be up in arms. They would demand his resignation or at least a comprehensive cognitive test. But when it comes to Biden, they just brush it off and say, “Oh, he knows what he’s doing.” Well, sorry, but I’m not buying it.

Kennedy hit the nail on the head when he said that we have a right to know that our president is actually leading the country and not being controlled by someone else. And let’s not forget his point about special interests. It’s no secret that they want a president with cognitive deficits because it gives them more power. They can manipulate him like a puppet on a string.

But here’s the sad reality, my friends. Biden and his handlers don’t give a damn what the American people think. They don’t care that nearly nine out of ten Americans think he’s too old to serve another term. They’re just going to keep pushing forward, ignoring the obvious signs of cognitive decline, and pretending like everything is fine and dandy. Well, it’s not fine and dandy. It’s a disaster waiting to happen.

So, Mr. Kennedy, good luck finding that French-speaking pigeon. You’re going to need it because Biden accepting your debate challenge is about as likely as him admitting that he’s not up to the task of being president. And that’s a sad reality we all have to face.

Written by Staff Reports

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