
RFK Jr. Exposes Biden’s Border Fiasco: The Unlikely GOP Hero

RFK Jr. bravely took a stand against the Biden Border Crisis on Tuesday, calling it a “dystopian nightmare,” and giving hope to conservatives nationwide. While he may be considered a bit of a conspiracy nut and pre-COVID anti-vax activist by the left, he’s proving to be a valuable, unwitting asset to the GOP. As he travels to Southern Border sites like Yuma, Arizona, he’s showing Americans the truth about the situation. Yuma, like El Paso in Texas, is on the brink of collapse, as waves of illegal aliens continue to flood the city with no end in sight.

Kennedy pointed out that illegal aliens entering this country are being released within four to five days, heading into this great nation and never being seen or heard from again. He also noted that the illegal aliens are from 117 nations, instead of just the “poor, put-upon ‘migrants’ from Mexico and Central America,” as the left would like Americans to believe. It’s a humanitarian crisis, and Democrats are well aware of this, but would prefer to push an obscene narrative that those opposing illegal aliens flooding into our country are “racist” and “xenophobic.”

The Biden Border Crisis is a result of the current administration’s intentional decisions to halt border wall construction, along with stoppage of the Keystone Pipeline permit. Facing a disastrous and unsustainable situation on the southern border, the Democrats are appealing to the very people who caused the issue and choosing to ignore the root of the problem. It’s time to call on the Biden administration to face impeachment and removal from office, forcing accountability for their action’s consequences inflicted on our great nation.

In conclusion, RFK Jr. may not become the Democrat Party nominee, but he’s providing a valuable service and showing the truth about the Biden administration and its policies. As RFK Jr. continues to give Joe Biden hell and Democrats a major headache, conservatives across the country should root for him and for the truth he represents. The left-wing media socket puppets cannot silence him, his message, or the obvious destruction that Democrats are causing to our nation.

Written by Staff Reports

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