
RFK Jr. Slams Biden Over Deadly Cluster Munitions – Where’s Outrage From Anti-War Left?

In a surprising turn of events, Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has taken aim at none other than Joe Biden himself. The source of this fiery exchange? The announcement that the Department of Defense would be transferring cluster munitions to Ukraine. Now, you may be wondering what these “cluster munitions” are exactly. Well, they’re like the evil twins of regular bombs, thanks to their ability to break into smaller explosive weapons and wreak havoc on personnel and vehicles. It’s basically a more efficient way to cause chaos.

But here’s the kicker: these cluster munitions are not without controversy. They come with a huge risk to civilians due to the infamous “dud” submunitions. You see, these submunitions have a tendency to not explode right away. They like to play a little game of hide-and-seek, only to be discovered by unsuspecting children long after the conflict is over. And let’s just say, this game is not fun. It has caused thousands of injuries and deaths to innocent civilians.

Now, before you start sympathizing with Kennedy’s criticism of Biden, let’s look at the bigger picture here. The United States has already sent over $100 billion in aid to Ukraine. That’s a lot of zeros, folks. In fact, just back in January, they announced they would be sending 31 M1 Abrams main battle tanks. And if that wasn’t enough, a battery of MIM-104 Patriot surface-to-air missiles was also thrown into the mix in December. So, it’s safe to say Ukraine is getting a pretty sweet deal when it comes to military assistance.

But what about the anti-war left? Well, according to journalist Glenn Greenwald, they’re nowhere to be found. It seems they’ve conveniently disappeared when it comes to Biden’s decision to send these cluster munitions. Sure, there are a few left-ish commentators making some noise, but they’re not going to do much to stop this from happening. It’s almost as if Biden knows he can get away with it without any backlash.

So, while Kennedy may be blasting Biden for transferring these “horrific” cluster munitions to Ukraine, it seems like he’s forgetting the bigger picture. Ukraine is already benefiting from a massive amount of aid from the United States, and it’s not like they’re the only ones who have received cluster munitions in the past. Sometimes, tough decisions need to be made for the greater good. And if that means sending a few cluster munitions, then so be it. After all, it’s politics as usual.

Written by Staff Reports

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