
Riley Gaines Exposes Trans Athlete Myths: Dems Don’t Want You to Know This!

Former collegiate swimmer, Riley Gaines, took the stand at the Senate on Monday to unravel the fallacy behind Democrat lawmakers and activists’ claims. As a testimony, Gaines recounted her struggles competing against transgender athletes. She presented an array of evidence to substantiate her point and highlight the distressing issue that has plagued the sports fraternity.

Senator John Kennedy from Louisiana questioned how many female members were there in the NBA? A Human Rights Campaign operative touted tennis star Serena Williams as an example of women being superior to men in sports. Gaines, however, brought proof by referencing how Serena and Venus Williams had lost to the 203rd-ranked male tennis player, despite their outstanding performance in women’s tennis. Serena, in fact, admitted last year that she would be crushed within minutes by male tennis pro, Andy Murray.

Gaines argued that the discrepancy was not only physical but also had an emotional and mental impact on women. Female athletes were coerced into silence and submission when they opposed transgender women’s inclusion in women’s divisions. Athletes were threatened, intimidated, and physically injured after being made to compete against male athletes who were physically stronger. She discussed the incidents of female athletes who felt distress because they had to share locker rooms with transgender women.

A particular incident about Leah Thomas, a transgender swimmer, was highlighted in her testimony. Gaines narrated how she and her teammates were forced to undress in front of Thomas without their consent. The event left some female athletes feeling uncomfortable, embarrassed, and traumatized.

Throughout her testimony, Gaines reminded everyone that acknowledging biological differences between the sexes and standing up for women’s rights was not transphobic or bigoted. Many within the LGBTQ+ community agreed with and supported her stance.

To conclude her testimony, Gaines quoted tennis legend Martina Navratilova, who stated, “There will always be significant numbers of boys and men who would beat the best girls and women in head-to-head competition. Claims to the contrary are simply a denial of science.” Her testimony was an emphatic plea for the preservation of women’s rights in sports and sparked a conversation about the implications of allowing transgender women to compete in women’s divisions.

Written by Staff Reports

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