
RNC Sues to Block Drop Boxes in Wisconsin, Cites 2022 Law

The Republican National Committee, along with other conservative groups, has taken legal action in Wisconsin to prevent Democrats from using illegal ballot drop boxes during the 2024 presidential election. The RNC has filed a legal document, called an amicus brief, to support the existing law and legal precedent that bans the use of ballot drop boxes in Wisconsin. The RNC argues that Democrats are attempting to make last-minute changes that will undermine the security of the election.


In July 2022, the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled that drop boxes could not be used in future elections. The RNC emphasized the importance of upholding this legal decision, stating that the rule of law should not be undermined by Democrats trying to overturn a case that was decided only two years ago. The RNC believes that Wisconsinites deserve a fair and secure election, and implementing a system that is susceptible to dishonesty and fraud would only undermine voter confidence.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court will hold oral arguments to decide whether election officials can reinstate ballot drop boxes for the 2024 election. The RNC is determined to protect the integrity of the election process in Wisconsin by opposing the use of drop boxes, which they believe could compromise the security and fairness of the election. They are committed to upholding the existing laws and legal precedent to ensure that the election is conducted in a reliable and transparent manner.

The Republican National Committee, along with other conservative groups, has taken legal action in Wisconsin to prevent Democrats from using illegal ballot drop boxes during the 2024 presidential election. The RNC has filed a legal document, called an amicus brief, to support the existing law and legal precedent that bans the use of ballot drop boxes in Wisconsin. The RNC argues that Democrats are attempting to make last-minute changes that will undermine the security of the election.

In July 2022, the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled that drop boxes could not be used in future elections. The RNC emphasized the importance of upholding this legal decision, stating that the rule of law should not be undermined by Democrats trying to overturn a case that was decided only two years ago. The RNC believes that Wisconsinites deserve a fair and secure election, and implementing a system that is susceptible to dishonesty and fraud would only undermine voter confidence.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court will hold oral arguments to decide whether election officials can reinstate ballot drop boxes for the 2024 election. The RNC is determined to protect the integrity of the election process in Wisconsin by opposing the use of drop boxes, which they believe could compromise the security and fairness of the election. They are committed to upholding the existing laws and legal precedent to ensure that the election is conducted in a reliable and transparent manner.

Written by Staff Reports

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