
Royal Bust! Harry & Meghan’s Overhyped Deals Start to Crumble

Brad Slager, a passionate conservative news writer, isn’t surprised by the latest news about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Despite the media hype surrounding their various deals, the couple has failed to produce any meaningful content. It seems that once again, the press is conveniently ignoring their shortcomings.

Take, for example, the Aunt Jemima controversy. When Quaker Oats decided to remove the brand from store shelves during the 2020 BLM protests, the media praised their decision. However, there has been little coverage of the disastrous consequences that followed. The same pattern can be seen in Meghan Markle’s podcasting venture with Spotify.

When Meghan signed a $20 million podcast deal in 2020, the press couldn’t stop talking about it. They claimed her show was highly rated and that it would revolutionize the podcasting industry. But what actually happened? Very little. Apart from a holiday special and a few episodes of her interview show Archetypes, Meghan’s podcasting career fizzled out.

Last month, it was announced that Meghan’s arrangement with Spotify was ending. While a joint statement tried to downplay the reasons, the truth is far more troubling. It turns out that Archwell Audio, the couple’s podcast company, took more than 6 months to hire a director for their division. It took until August 2022 for the first episode of Meghan’s podcast to be released. The result? A severe lack of production, leading to the royals being paid significantly less than what was initially promised.

And now, as more details emerge, it becomes clear that Meghan’s involvement in her own shows was minimal at best. In some episodes, she didn’t even speak with her guests. The interviews were conducted by producers, and Meghan’s questions and comments were later edited into the discussions. This highlights the facade of the Royal Couple Mystique, showing that there is an empty building behind it.

But it’s not just Spotify that struggled with the Markles. Netflix, too, has faced setbacks. Despite signing a lucrative production contract with the streaming giant worth $100 million in 2020, very little has been shown for it. Apart from a documentary series about themselves, the couple has failed to deliver. A show about Harry’s competition, “The Invictus Games,” never materialized, and Netflix canceled Meghan’s animated program, “Pearl.” It’s clear that the couple lacks the ability to produce content of any merit.

As a conservative observer, Brad Slager is not surprised by these developments. He sees the Prince Harry and Meghan Markle saga as yet another example of the media’s willingness to hype up stories without considering the consequences. It’s time to hold the couple accountable for their lack of productivity and their constant need for attention. The royal sham continues, and it’s about time someone called it out.

Written by Staff Reports

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