
Rubio Backs Moreno, Shakes Up Ohio GOP Senate Race!

In a major boost to his campaign, businessman Bernie Moreno, who is running in the Republican primary for the U.S. Senate seat in Ohio, has secured the endorsement of Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL). This endorsement comes as welcome news for Moreno, who is vying for the seat currently held by vulnerable Democratic incumbent Sherrod Brown. Republicans see this race as a golden opportunity to snatch up a Senate seat in 2024, and they are turning to candidates like Moreno to make it happen.

Rubio, a respected conservative leader, praised Moreno’s proven track record as a successful businessman who has navigated government red tape and created jobs. According to Rubio, Moreno is the kind of leader Ohio needs in the Senate, someone who will fight for the families, communities, and values of the state. It’s clear that Rubio recognizes Moreno’s potential, and his endorsement carries significant weight.

Responding to Rubio’s endorsement, Moreno expressed his gratitude and highlighted the momentum behind his campaign. He criticized Brown for prioritizing the interests of Washington, D.C. special interests over the working families of Ohio, promising to fight on their behalf. Moreno’s previous endorsement from Sen. JD Vance, who enjoys the support of former President Donald Trump, further solidifies his position as a strong conservative candidate.

Speaking of Trump, while he has not yet officially endorsed Moreno, he has spoken highly of him both during the announcement of his candidacy and at the Turning Point conference. It’s clear that Trump sees something special in Moreno, and his daughter’s marriage to Rep. Max Miller, a Trump-endorsed candidate, only strengthens their connection. With Trump’s keen eye for talent and dedication to conservative values, his endorsement of Moreno seems highly likely.

Conservative columnist Kurt Schlichter has also voiced his support for Moreno, describing Brown as a “weird communist doofus” and emphasizing the time has come to vote him out. Schlichter recognizes Moreno’s commitment to the American dream and his rejection of “commie nonsense.” This aligns perfectly with the desires of Ohio voters who are looking for a competent and patriotic candidate to represent them.

The Ohio Republican primary is shaping up to be a fierce battle, as Moreno faces competition from Secretary of State Frank LaRose and state Sen. Matt Dolan. However, despite Dolan’s attempts to distance himself from Trump, who remains popular in Ohio, he came in third place in the previous primary. LaRose’s endorsement from Trump in 2022 gives him an edge, but Moreno’s support from prominent conservatives like Rubio and potentially Trump himself puts him in a powerful position.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) is staying out of the primary, confident that any of the three candidates has the potential to win the general election. With the race considered a “Toss-Up” by prognosticators, it’s clear that Ohioans are primed for a conservative shake-up in their Senate representation. Moreno’s dynamic campaign, backed by influential endorsements and a dedication to the values of Ohio’s working families, positions him as a strong contender in the fight for the Senate seat.

Written by Staff Reports

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