
Russia Bans Trans Surgeries, Leftists Outraged: Sanity Prevails!

In a move that deserves a standing ovation, Russia has banned so-called “gender-affirming” surgeries and treatments. These procedures are meant for individuals who believe their “gender identity” does not align with their biological sex. Finally, a country with some sense!

According to a report from The New York Times, the law not only puts a stop to transgender surgeries and hormone treatments, but it also prevents changes to official documents like passports. Bravo, Russia! They even had the audacity to annul marriages if one spouse decides to “change their gender.” It’s about time we prioritize the sanctity of marriage over this gender confusion nonsense.

But wait, there’s more! The law also has strict rules against couples with a transgender individual adopting children. Can you believe it? Russia is actually putting the well-being and stability of children first. It’s as if they understand that children need a mother and a father, not confusion and experimentation.

Of course, the liberal media and so-called “human rights” organizations are up in arms about this law. According to CNN, Russia’s first “transgender” politician, Yulia Alyoshina, is crying foul, claiming that transgender individuals will be denied their “right” to medical care. Sorry, Alyoshina, but there’s no constitutional guarantee for medically altering one’s gender. We don’t need the government funding surgeries and treatments that go against the natural order.

Meanwhile, in the United States, brave Republican lawmakers are also taking a stand against these types of procedures and treatments for children. Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance has introduced the “Protect Children’s Innocence Act” in an effort to protect our young ones from irreversible and experimental treatments. I couldn’t agree more!

Vance’s legislation, championed by the fearless Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, would make it a Class C Felony to provide hormone therapy treatments or irreversible sex reassignment surgeries to minors. Finally, someone is standing up for our children and protecting them from a lifetime of suffering and regret.

Under this proposed law, doctors who engage in these horrific procedures could face a prison sentence of 10 to 25 years and a hefty fine. And it doesn’t stop there; higher education institutions would also be prohibited from instructing on this type of “healthcare.” It’s a common-sense approach to protecting our children from the harmful influences of the left’s radical gender ideology.

So kudos to Russia and the courageous lawmakers in the United States who are fighting against the dangerous agenda of gender experimentation. It’s time we prioritize the well-being of our children and put an end to these life-altering procedures. Let’s hope other countries follow suit and make the right choice for the future of our society.

Written by Staff Reports

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