
Russia Crushes LGBTQ+ Agenda, Brands Activists Extremists!

In a bold move, Russia's Supreme Court has designated LGBTQ+ activism as "extremist," approving the Russian justice ministry's request to classify the "international LGBT social movement" under this label. This decision effectively puts an end to LGBTQ+ events and activities in the country.

President Vladimir Putin had signaled Russia's resistance to Western trends, stating last year that the country wouldn't adopt "strange, new-fangled trends like dozens of genders and gay parades." Putin's spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, remained tight-lipped about the court ruling, asserting that the Kremlin was avoiding involvement in the case and refrained from commenting. The Supreme Court spent approximately five hours deliberating behind closed doors before announcing its decision to the public.

The court's ruling was anticipated following the justice ministry's November request, accusing the LGBTQ+ movement of displaying "various signs and manifestations of extremist orientation, including the incitement of social and religious discord" in their activities.

This decision is part of Russia's broader stance against LGBTQ+ rights, including the previous prohibition of "gender-affirming" surgeries and treatments for individuals whose "gender identity" doesn't align with their birth sex. The law also prevents marriage if a spouse decides to "change their gender" and prohibits couples with a transgender spouse from adopting children, emphasizing adherence to traditional values and norms.

Yulia Alyoshina, Russia's first "transgender" politician, expressed concerns about potential infringements on the rights of transgender individuals, such as access to medical care, despite constitutional guarantees. This move further underscores Russia's restrictive approach to LGBTQ+ rights, prompting apprehension among activists and individuals within the community.

Written by Staff Reports

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