
Saudi-Russia Alliance Thrives as Biden Fumbles

The article was originally written with a leftist spin, but let’s give it a bit of a makeover. The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman, extended a warm welcome to Russian president Vladimir Putin during his visit to Riyadh, emphasizing the strong bilateral relationship between the two countries. This visit comes as Saudi Arabia, under the leadership of King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, has been reevaluating its alliances and moving away from the leftist influence of U.S. President Joe Biden.

Since Biden’s election, the Saudi government has been seeking to distance itself from the United States, mending ties with Iran and joining economic and security coalitions led by China. This shift in alliances has led to a strained relationship with the Biden administration, which has been desperately trying to repair the damage caused by Biden’s earlier comments about turning Saudi Arabia into a “pariah” nation.

In contrast to the lukewarm reception given to President Biden, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman greeted Putin with a much warmer embrace, signaling a strengthening of ties between Saudi Arabia and Russia. The two leaders engaged in fruitful discussions, signing agreements on various areas of cooperation including space, sports, investment, energy, defense, and tourism.

One notable aspect of their discussions was the focus on energy cooperation, with both countries being members of OPEC+. This partnership has led to criticism from the Biden administration, who has accused Saudi Arabia of supporting Russia’s invasion of Ukraine by maintaining high oil prices. The joint statement released by Saudi Arabia and Russia did not delve into specifics regarding energy cooperation, leaving the Biden administration concerned about the potential impact on international oil prices.

Moreover, the joint statement highlighted a commitment to enhance defense cooperation between the two countries, which raised eyebrows in the West. The statement did not provide clarity on the nature of this defense cooperation, leaving room for speculation about potential arms sales or military support.

Furthermore, the joint statement reflected the shared position of Saudi Arabia and Russia on the conflict between Israel and Hamas, calling for a “Palestinian” state based on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

In addition to these agreements, the two countries announced a cooperation agreement in the judicial field regarding civil and commercial matters. However, questions arise about how the legal systems of a strongman dictatorship like Russia and Sharia-based Saudi Arabia could effectively collaborate on matters of law.

Overall, the warm reception and substantive discussions between Saudi Arabia and Russia underscore the shifting geopolitical landscape in the Middle East and the recalibration of alliances in response to the Biden administration’s policies. As Saudi Arabia seeks to assert its independence and pursue its strategic interests, its engagement with Russia signals a significant departure from its traditional alignment with the United States.

Written by Staff Reports

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