
Scarborough Sacrifices Mom’s Memory to Defend Biden’s Blunders!

In a stunning display of loyalty to his buddy Joe Biden, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough showed just how low he is willing to go. The Biden team has been trying to deflect attention from the damning Hur Report, which revealed Biden’s inability to remember important details about his own life. One particular detail that raised eyebrows was Biden’s fuzzy recollection of the year his son Beau died. This is a significant event that Biden frequently talks about, so it’s rather suspicious that he couldn’t remember the year during the Hur interview.

But instead of admitting that this is a legitimate concern, Scarborough decided to throw his own mother under the bus to defend Biden. He claimed that if someone asked him during a deposition when his mother died, he wouldn’t have a clue. Really, Scarborough? Is your memory that bad, or are you just willing to say anything to protect your precious Joe Biden?

It’s pretty disgraceful that Scarborough would even bring his wife into this mess, suggesting that she would be just as clueless about her own father’s death. This level of desperation to defend Biden is truly alarming. Scarborough and his wife, Mika Brzezinski, must be really close to Biden if they are willing to go to such lengths to defend him. It’s a shame that they have abandoned any semblance of journalistic integrity or objectivity.

But let’s not forget the bigger picture here. Scarborough and the liberal media want to focus on Biden’s flub about Beau’s death because they don’t want to address the other troubling issues raised by the Hur Report. For example, Biden couldn’t remember when he started or stopped serving as vice president. That’s kind of a big deal, isn’t it? But Scarborough conveniently skips over that because he knows there’s no way to defend it. Biden’s confusion and forgetfulness are on full display every day, and no amount of liberal media spin can hide it from the American people.

And let’s not underestimate the significance of Biden’s inability to remember the year Beau died. This is his own child, someone he claims to talk about all the time. Most people would remember the year their mother died, especially if it was a few years ago. But Biden couldn’t even get that basic detail right, according to the report. During his press conference, he also struggled to remember the church from which he received the rosary he wears in honor of Beau. These are not minor slips of the memory, these are major lapses that raise legitimate concerns about Biden’s mental fitness.

It’s clear that Scarborough’s allegiance to Biden knows no bounds. He is willing to sacrifice his own mother’s memory and integrity to prop up a president who seems increasingly confused and out of touch. This incident just further solidifies the perception that Scarborough and his fellow liberal media elites are nothing more than partisan hacks, willing to twist the truth and disregard their own values for the sake of defending their chosen political narrative. It’s a sad state of affairs for journalism and for our country as a whole.

Written by Staff Reports

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