
Schiff’s Hypocrisy: ‘Unpacking’ Supreme Court with More Justices!

In a classic move from the left, Adam Schiff is now calling to “unpack” the Supreme Court by adding more justices to the bench. The Democrats just can’t seem to win by playing by the existing rules, so their next move is to cheat and change the rules in their favor. We saw this in action after the 2016 election, when Hillary Clinton and the Democrats cried foul over the Electoral College and called for a popular vote system instead. But of course, if the situation were reversed and Trump won the popular vote, the Democrats would have staunchly defended the Electoral College. It’s all about convenience for them.

Now, with three conservative associate justices on the Supreme Court thanks to Donald Trump’s nominations, the Democrats are in a frenzy. They can’t stand the fact that the Court has a 6-3 conservative majority, so they’re throwing a fit and calling it “packed.” But let’s not forget that “packing” the Court means expanding the number of justices, a tactic that was pushed by none other than Democrat President Franklin Roosevelt in the 1930s. However, FDR’s attempt failed and the number of justices has remained at nine since 1869.

If the Democrats were to successfully pack the Supreme Court now, it would set a dangerous precedent. Both sides would likely engage in a tit-for-tat move, adding 2-3 justices every time they regain the White House and a Senate majority. This is not how our judicial system should operate. But of course, Adam Schiff doesn’t seem to care about the long-term consequences. He just wants to change the rules so that the Court will vote the way he wants them to.

Schiff claims that “unpacking” the Court involves three changes: expanding the number of justices, instituting term limits, and enacting a code of ethics. It’s quite comical that Schiff, of all people, is calling for a code of ethics. This is a man who has a reputation for shamelessly lying and pushing false narratives. But I guess in his world, he gets to decide what is ethical and what is not.

In the end, Schiff’s call to “unpack” the Supreme Court is just another ploy to gain power and control. He’s using his disdain for the Court as a way to raise funds for his 2024 senate race. It’s all about politics and personal ambition for Schiff, not about upholding the integrity of our judicial system. But hey, what else is new? This is just another day in the world of politics, where hypocrisy and self-interest reign supreme.

Source: RedState

Written by Staff Reports

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