
Schumer Urges Biden to Drop Out, Democrats in Turmoil Over 2024 Race

Chuck Schumer’s office is scrambling to do damage control after ABC News reported that the New York Democrat told President Joe Biden to bow out of the race during a private meeting. The office labelled the report “idle speculation,” a classic political dodge that stops short of denying the juicy tidbit. According to Schumer’s spokesperson, the story should be dismissed as mere speculation unless the source is either Schumer or Biden. So, basically, they’re saying, “Believe us, but don’t believe anyone else.”

ABC’s Jon Karl reported that Schumer “forcefully” made his case to Biden, emphasizing that it would be better for Biden, the Democratic Party, and the country if he stepped aside. Amazing how Schumer still manages to play the part of the loyal foot soldier in public, sticking to his well-rehearsed mantra: “I’m with Joe.” One has to wonder what ABC’s anonymous sources overheard. Maybe this is Plan B for the Democrats—force Biden out with a velvet-gloved backhand.

Amid these whispers, the Democratic Party is sweating bullets over Biden’s chances of clinching another term, especially against former President Donald Trump. Schumer’s plea, if true, underscores a broader concern that’s becoming impossible for Democrats to ignore. Sen. Peter Welch from Vermont has gone on record asking Biden to step down, while others are biting their nails over his electability in crucial swing states. Seems like the blue wave is struggling to stay afloat.

Interestingly, Schumer wasn’t alone in this covert operation. House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries was reportedly part of a sly lobbying effort. Together, they aimed to delay Biden’s nomination via a virtual roll call vote with party delegates and the DNC before next month’s convention. It’s almost as if they’re trying to invent new ways to throw their own leader under the bus. Behind closed doors, it’s politics as usual: strategy sessions and maneuvers that would make Machiavelli proud.

In a world where Democrats constantly accuse Republicans of internal chaos, it’s laughable to see them in such disarray. The real question is, how long can they keep their shaky house of cards from collapsing? So, while Schumer and his allies plot their backdoor moves, the rest can sit back with some popcorn and enjoy the show. It’s like watching a slow-motion train wreck—but with more laughs.

Written by Staff Reports

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