
Secret Service Blasted For Negligence In Trump Rally Shooting Debacle

In yet another glaring example of government negligence, two men wounded during an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump have come forward to lay the blame squarely on the shoulders of the Secret Service and local law enforcement. Jim Copenhaver, 74, and David Dutch, 57, were just minding their own business enjoying a Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, when their day took a sharp turn towards chaos on July 13. It seems that all their excitement was met with the sound of gunfire instead of cheers.

Copenhaver and Dutch expressed their disbelief that the security arrangements were so lax that tragedy could occur. Dutch, in particular, was not shy about pointing out what he termed “100 percent negligence” from those charged with protecting the former president. One must wonder how many bureaucratic meetings it takes to drop the ball this spectacularly. It’s as if someone thought “Let’s just wing it” was a security strategy. Perhaps they should have followed the old adage: “Better safe than sorry.”

The harrowing details are hard to fathom. As the bullets went flying, one could imagine the horror of sitting in a designated “safe” area, only to find out that none of the safety protocols were really in place. The experience was described like getting hit with a sledgehammer, and that’s no light comment. Apparently, Trump’s ear wasn’t the only thing to take a hit from this debacle. Copenhaver took bullets in the triceps and abdomen, while Dutch has a newfound affinity for hospital visits after being hit in the liver. Both men might as well sign up for free hospital parking while they’re at it, given the ongoing medical issues they face.

To make matters worse, the aftermath of this fiasco has left both men dealing with significant health problems. Copenhaver lost 30 pounds and now walks with a cane while Dutch is similarly unable to carry on as he used to. It seems that regular routine has transformed into a series of medical appointments and painful reminders of an “event” that never should have happened. It raises the question – did the safety officers involved mistake this rally for a picnic? Because no one goes to a picnic expecting to be gunned down.

At this point, both men are pursuing legal action, proving once again that when all else fails in government protection, people turn to the courtroom. Maybe their pursuit of justice will lead to some much-needed accountability – though it’s a familiar tale where the protectors don’t face the consequences of their incompetence. In a world where “accidents happen,” the true accident seems to be believing the government can protect its citizens. It’s a sad day indeed when people have to fight for safety rather than rely on the systems in place to keep them secure.

Written by Staff Reports

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