
Selective Amnesia at NBC? Willis Mocked Over Memory Gaps!

It’s the good ol’ NBC at it again, folks! The liberal bias is oozing out from every crevice, and this time it’s about Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis. Host Tom Llamas and NBC Legal Analyst Danny Cevallos couldn’t contain their disdain for this conservative-busting prosecutor.

Llamas and Cevallos were quick to point out that Willis conveniently suffered from “strategically poor recall” when faced with tough questions. They noted her impressive memory when it came to the easy stuff, but suddenly, she couldn’t remember a thing when the heat was on her. It’s like watching a game of political peekaboo – now you see her recollection, now you don’t!

Cevallos even went so far as to question whether any self-respecting attorney would tolerate such shoddy witness behavior. He pointed out that Willis wasn’t following the rules of evidence and got away with it like a smooth criminal. And let’s not forget about her selective memory – can’t remember if she paid her tax liens, but she sure can recite Nathan Wade’s travel itinerary like a seasoned tour guide. It’s a mystery, folks – or is it just plain convenient?

The NBC duo didn’t hold back in their biased berating of Willis, making it clear that they were not impressed with her selective amnesia and legal maneuvering. It’s almost like they were cheering for the other team, hoping Willis would fumble the ball. But hey, in the liberal playbook, selective amnesia and rule-bending are just part of the game, right?

So, there you have it, folks. The liberal media strikes again, throwing shade at a strong, conservative prosecutor. But let’s not be fooled – selective memory and legal acrobatics won’t overshadow the truth. Keep your eyes and ears open, because the real story is always waiting to be uncovered.

Written by Staff Reports

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