
Senate Smashes Hamas & Campus Antisemitism!

In a victory for common sense and decency, the Senate has passed a resolution condemning Hamas and the rising tide of anti-Semitism on college campuses across the country. The resolution, introduced by the heroic Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), was met with overwhelming support and passed by voice vote.

This timely resolution doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to exposing the heinous acts committed by Hamas. It highlights the horrific atrocities perpetrated by this terrorist group, including the targeted killing, rape, and mutilation of innocent civilians, including defenseless babies. Let that sink in. While these student activists on college campuses are busy spewing their anti-Israel propaganda, Hamas is brutally taking the lives of countless innocent people. It’s a horrendous reality that cannot be ignored.

The resolution also addresses the disturbing incidents that have occurred on college campuses in recent days. At George Washington University, students projected anti-Semitic messages onto the school’s library, known as the Estelle and Melvin Gelman Library, named after a Jewish couple. These messages included calls for the annihilation of Israel and celebrations of terrorist groups like Hamas. It’s truly sickening to think that these students have no qualms about promoting violence and hatred on their own campus.

But the anti-Semitism isn’t isolated to George Washington University. Jewish students at Cooper Union in New York City were trapped inside the library while pro-Palestinian demonstrators banged on the doors and spewed anti-Semitic remarks. At Harvard University, student groups shamelessly blamed Israel for the acts of terrorism committed by Hamas. And at New York University School of Law, the president of the Student Bar Association showed solidarity with Palestinians and vandalized posters of missing Israelis. These incidents are outrageous and reprehensible, and they should be condemned in the strongest terms.

The Senate resolution not only denounces the terrorist attacks by Hamas but also calls out the anti-Israel, pro-Hamas student groups for their morally contemptible rhetoric. These student groups are sympathizing with genocidal violence against Israel and putting the physical safety of Jewish Americans at risk. This kind of behavior should not be tolerated on college campuses or anywhere else.

The resolution also emphasizes Israel’s right to exist and defend itself, as well as the right of Jewish Americans to safety and security in the United States. It calls on the U.S. government to fully and completely support Israel and its right to exist. This is a powerful stand to take during this time of escalating conflict.

The Senate’s passage of this resolution is a step in the right direction. It sends a clear message that the United States stands with Israel and will not tolerate the spread of anti-Semitism on college campuses. It’s time to put an end to the hate and violence and work towards peace and understanding.

Written by Staff Reports

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