
Senate’s Border Bill: A Free-for-all Path for Illegal Migrants?

In a recent border bill, the Senate has set up what some may see as a backstage pass for illegal aliens to the United States. If you’re an illegal alien who manages to sneak 100+ miles inside the US or last longer than 14 days, congratulations! According to Rep. Dan Bishop (R-NC), this bill basically gives you a free pass to roam the land unchecked.

The bill’s fine print states that the border emergency authority will only kick in for aliens within 100 miles of the US southwest land border and within the 14-day period after entry. So, if you manage to steer clear of law enforcement for more than two weeks or make it past the 100-mile mark, you’re off the hook. No emergency declaration, no extra enforcement actions — it’s like an illegal alien game of hide and seek with the border patrol.

In addition, the bill outlines that the Secretary of Homeland Security is obligated to activate the border emergency authority if there is an average of 5,000 or more aliens encountered each day for seven consecutive calendar days, or if a combined total of 8,500 or more aliens are encountered on any one calendar day. It’s like a countdown clock for illegal aliens to achieve amnesty — just wait it out and hope the numbers don’t hit the limit.

All in all, this border bill seems to be serving up a recipe for chaos, making it easier for illegal aliens to slip through the cracks and evade consequences. Rep. Dan Bishop’s concerns about the bill might just be the tip of the iceberg in the heated debate over immigration and border security. The bill sets loose parameters that some might argue are too lenient toward illegal aliens, making it a hot-button issue that’s sure to spark further controversy on Capitol Hill and beyond.

Written by Staff Reports

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