
Senator Johnson SKewers FBI Chief on Shocking Biden Cover-Up!

In a lively Senate hearing, Ron Johnson of Wisconsin showed FBI Director Christopher Wray a thing or two about the bureau’s alleged cover-up involving the Biden family. Senator Chuck Grassley has been making a lot of noise lately about the criminal activities of the Bidens. His report revealed that the FBI had a whopping 40 confidential human sources giving them the inside scoop on Joe Biden, James Biden, and Hunter Biden.

During the hearing, Johnson posed an important question: Did the FBI actually investigate the information, or did they sweep it under the rug? According to Johnson, the FBI used an assessment to discredit negative information about Hunter Biden and shut down any further investigations. He also pointed out that the FBI office in Pittsburgh couldn’t lift a finger without the approval of headquarters in DC. He cited an example where the FBI showed no interest in looking into allegations of Ukrainian corruption, particularly those involving Hunter Biden and his role in Burisma.

But here’s the kicker: Wray completely brushed off Johnson’s concerns. He disagreed with Johnson’s characterization of his own performance and the performance of his colleagues. Well, isn’t that just dandy? The FBI director doesn’t seem too bothered by accusations of a cover-up and shady dealings.

Grassley, on the other hand, revealed some compelling evidence. He claimed that the FBI had a specialized team that tried to dismiss the information as foreign disinformation. But get this, some of the sources were actually vetted by multiple U.S. attorney’s offices and had no connection to Russian disinformation channels. So why was the FBI so quick to dismiss it? Grassley wants answers.

Like many others, Johnson expressed concerns about the transparency and trustworthiness of the FBI. He doesn’t trust what they’re telling him, and who can blame him? We need credibility and integrity restored to our institutions, and it doesn’t seem like Wray has been doing much in that regard.

Wray tried to defend himself by claiming he has no bias as a Republican appointee. But let’s be real here, actions speak louder than words. And the actions of the FBI, or lack thereof, in this case, don’t exactly inspire confidence.

Let’s not forget the past allegations involving Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and Burisma Holdings. There have been whispers of a suspicious scheme where the Bidens pressured Burisma’s head honcho for big payouts in exchange for their help with a corruption investigation in Ukraine. Grassley even revealed an FBI record that supposedly links President Biden to Ukrainian business leaders and a meeting in Vienna where Hunter Biden discussed business expansion for Burisma. It’s a tangled web of corruption, and it’s about time someone untangled it.

All in all, it’s clear that the FBI’s actions, or lack thereof, raise some serious concerns. The integrity of our law enforcement agencies should never be in question, but sadly, it seems that’s where we’re at. We need answers, transparency, and accountability. Let’s hope we get them.

Written by Staff Reports

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