
Sharpton Shocks All: Slams Border Crisis as “Invasion” – Libs Outraged!

Rev. Al Sharpton, the famous civil rights activist and liberal icon, has surprisingly expressed his deep dissatisfaction with the situation at the southern border. In an appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Sharpton openly criticized the unchecked influx of millions of illegal immigrants, pointing out that people are “outraged” by this ongoing issue. Well, talk about stating the obvious! It’s refreshing to see even a staunch liberal like Sharpton acknowledge the severity of the problem.

During the interview, Sharpton questioned Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) about what was being done to get the public to rise up and demand action on the border crisis. He highlighted incidents where migrants were attacking policemen in the streets of New York, which is absolutely unacceptable. But of course, it’s only a matter of time before liberals twist his words and accuse him of being racist. They just can’t handle the truth.

Despite the conversation briefly shifting to the war in Gaza, Sharpton steered it back to the border, rightly describing the situation as an “invasion.” Bravo, Sharpton, for speaking the truth! But predictably, the left-wing media and their “woke” woke buddies were triggered by his choice of words. They accuse anyone who dares to label illegal immigration as an invasion of being deeply racist. Oh, please! The only racism here is their refusal to acknowledge the impact illegal immigration has on American citizens, especially those in the black community.

It’s not just Sharpton who is fed up. Many black communities across the country are rightfully frustrated and angry at the continuous flow of illegal immigrants into their cities. They’re tired of their hard-earned tax dollars being used to fund the lifestyles of unknown individuals who have no respect for our laws. Leaders in sanctuary cities like New York and Chicago have been begging Texas Governor Greg Abbott to stop dumping illegals on their doorstep. But Abbott’s response? Tough luck! He’s standing firm and continuing to transport migrants to sanctuary cities until the border is secured. Now that’s what I call leadership.

In the end, it’s refreshing to see even Al Sharpton, a champion of the left, recognize the gravity of the border crisis. But let’s not forget, it’s the radical left’s open-border policies, fueled by their disdain for law and order, that have created this mess. It’s time for Democrats to put aside their empty rhetoric and start taking real action to protect American citizens. The border invasion needs to be addressed, and Sharpton’s awakening is a small step in the right direction. Let’s hope more liberals follow suit and reject the dangerous ideology that allows this chaos to continue.

Written by Staff Reports

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