
Shock Revelation: Pro-Trans Activist Vows to ‘Dismember’ Chino Valley School Chief

In a shocking display of intolerance and violence, pro-transgender activists threatened the president of a California school board, Sonja Shaw, and her family. These activists vowed to “dismember” Shaw and even went as far as threatening to kill her children and pets. Their anger stems from a policy requiring schools to notify parents if children express a desire to change genders.

Shaw, who leads the Chino Valley school board, championed this policy despite facing immense opposition. During a contentious school board meeting, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond, a puppet of the teachers unions, disrupted the proceedings and was eventually kicked out. This incident highlights the lack of respect and disregard for rules displayed by those who oppose common-sense policies.

Following the meeting, Shaw received death threats which she detailed in a radio interview. An anonymous phone call delivered a chilling message, promising to end her life and gruesomely dismember her body. It is horrifying that individuals would resort to such ruthless tactics simply because they disagree with a policy meant to protect parental rights and ensure transparency.

Governor Gavin Newsom and his cronies have been on a mission to suppress any dissenting voices, particularly when it comes to matters of transgenderism and curriculum choices. Shaw rightly points out that there are no legal grounds for the state to oppose parents’ right to be notified in these situations. State officials’ attempts to intimidate and bully local officials into submission is a clear example of their overreach and abuse of power.

It is disheartening and alarming to witness such extreme behavior from pro-transgender activists. Their readiness to resort to violence and threats is a dangerous escalation that must not be tolerated. This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of standing up for our conservative values and protecting the rights of parents and local communities.

Written by Staff Reports

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