
Shocker! ACLU Sides With Trump, Deems Gag Order Unconstitutional

In a surprising turn of events, the ACLU has actually agreed with former President Trump on something. Cue the flying pigs! The civil liberties organization has called for a reevaluation of the gag order imposed by the judge in Trump’s federal 2020 election criminal case, arguing that it is unconstitutional and too restrictive. As much as it pains me to say it, the ACLU might actually have a point.

Now, let’s be clear, Trump has said some things that are clearly false and harmful to individuals and to our Republic. But here’s the thing, he still has a First Amendment right to speak his mind. And guess what? We have a right to hear what he has to say. It’s called freedom of speech, folks. The gag order, according to the ACLU, fails to provide fair warning and could hinder Trump from speaking on critical issues during the 2024 presidential campaign. As much as it hurts me to say this, they might have a point there.

Now, I’m not saying Trump is completely innocent here. He recently got fined $10,000 for violating a gag order in a New York civil case. But let’s face it, he has been subjected to more public humiliation than any other president in history. The question is, does he deserve it? That’s a debate for another day. One thing is for sure though, the ACLU surprising agreement with Trump on the gag order is enough to make your head spin. Who knew pigs could fly?

It’s refreshing to see the ACLU standing up for the First Amendment rights of someone they probably despise. It’s a rare moment of consistency from them. However, I can’t help but wonder if their sudden change of heart is more about their dislike for the judge in this case than it is about their support for Trump. Either way, it’s important to protect free speech, even if we don’t agree with what someone has to say. So kudos (I guess) to the ACLU for doing the right thing in this instance.

Written by Staff Reports

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