
Shocking Hunter Biden Ties: Swampy Web Untangled, Administration Shaken!

Fox News Digital looked into the links between Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, and many people in the Biden government. What they found was shocking. These links, which were described in a series of emails, have raised serious questions about how much power Hunter might have in the White House and about the honesty of how the government works.

The email exchanges show that Hunter Biden is connected to a long number of powerful people, such as Jake Sullivan, the president's national security director, and Antony Blinken, the secretary of state. Hunter and Sullivan both seem to have been part of the Truman National Security Project, a foreign policy think tank that leans to the left. Now, you might be wondering what exactly a "think tank" does. Well, it turns out that it's just a fancy name for a group of people who sit around and think about how to change policy. It looks like Hunter and Sullivan were very comfortable when they were together.

But that's only the tip of the iceberg. Back in 2015, when Obama and Biden were in office, Blinken was the deputy secretary of state and talked with Hunter. Hunter was working with Burisma Holdings, an oil company in Ukraine, at the time. Why would the vice president's son, who had ties to a questionable foreign company, meet with the deputy secretary of state? If you ask me, everything smells bad.

But things keep getting worse! Evan Ryan, who is married to Blinken and is now a cabinet secretary in the White House, seems to have been friends with Hunter and Eric Schwerin, who is Hunter's business partner, during her time in the Obama-Biden administration. At this point, it's beginning to feel like one big family gathering.

And let's not forget that the government is still looking into Hunter's business deals with other countries. A former member of the White House staff has said that Sullivan worked with the Biden family's "payback scheme" in Ukraine. People, these are some serious claims. And since Blinken and his wife are accused of trying to influence US government officials on behalf of Burisma, it doesn't look good for the Biden administration's openness.

There are even more links! Jeff Zients, who is the chief of staff at the White House, met with Hunter a lot in 2016. And Kathy Chung, who is now the deputy head of protocol at the Pentagon, talked to Hunter a lot when she was Biden's executive assistant. It's like playing "Six Degrees of Hunter Biden."

All of these connections make it very likely that policy choices in the Biden administration could be influenced in an unfair way. And it's important to note that Hunter recently agreed to a plea deal in another case, which means he won't be going to jail any time soon. It almost seems like these people are getting special care.

Whistleblower testimony has shown that the U.S. Attorney in charge of Hunter's probe ran into problems and was limited by Department of Justice officials. This goes against what Attorney General Garland said about having full authority. Someone clearly didn't want the truth to get out.

The things that have been found out about the Biden government point to possible crime and favoritism. It's time for the people of the United States to ask questions and hold this government responsible for being honest and open as they said they would be. The people of the United States deserve a better government than one that picks friends and breaks the rules to protect its own. It's time to do a real count.

Written by Staff Reports

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