
Shocking Poll: 21% of Mail-In Voters Admit Guilty of Election Fraud!

In a new survey conducted by the Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports, it was revealed that millions of Americans threw caution to the wind and ignored election rules when casting mail-in ballots during the 2020 presidential election. The survey, which asked respondents about various types of activities that violate election rules, uncovered some shocking findings.

According to the survey, 17 percent of mail-in voters admitted to casting ballots in states where they no longer reside. Additionally, 8 percent of all respondents claimed that they were offered compensation for voting a certain way. These revelations are particularly troubling as they suggest a clear disregard for the integrity of the electoral process.

The survey went on to uncover two instances of ballot fraud where voters failed to fill out and sign their own ballots as required by law. A staggering 21 percent of mail-in voters admitted to filling out a ballot for a friend or family member, while 17 percent confessed to signing the ballot of a loved one with or without their consent.

With over 43 percent of voters utilizing mail-in ballots in the 2020 election, the highest percentage in American history, the poll results raise legitimate concerns about the potential for widespread voter fraud. It is essential to address these issues to ensure the integrity of future elections.

Justin Haskins, the director of the Socialism Research Center at the Heartland Institute, expressed his astonishment at the survey’s findings. He highlighted the contradiction between claims of a secure election and the reality revealed by the respondents’ own admissions. Haskins argued that a democratic republic cannot survive if election laws allow for easy fraud, emphasizing the need for increased efforts to address these issues in the United States.

Former President Donald Trump, who continues to contest the election results, seized upon the survey as evidence supporting his claims of widespread fraud. Trump took to his Truth Social platform to declare the poll the most important in the last 20 years, stating that it revealed 20 percent of mail-in ballots in the 2020 election were rigged or defective. He called for an end to mail-in ballots, asserting that cheating will always prevail as long as they are allowed.

This survey serves as a wake-up call, emphasizing the urgency of addressing the vulnerabilities in the election process. The integrity of our democracy hangs in the balance, and immediate action is needed to restore faith in our electoral system.

Written by Staff Reports

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