
Shocking Testimony Reveals Biden Family’s Scandalous Chinese Payoff Scheme!

Hunter Biden’s shady business dealings are once again in the spotlight, and this time it involves his own father, President Joe Biden! According to testimony from Hunter’s former business associate, Rob Walker, Joe Biden allegedly met with officials from Chinese firm CEFC after his vice presidency. But don’t worry, folks, he was just “checking in” on his son’s business partners. How touching! It’s heartwarming to see a father so concerned about his son’s sketchy financial ventures.

But the plot thickens, my friends. It turns out that Walker received a whopping $3 million from a CEFC account, and surprise, surprise, he distributed $1 million of that to Biden family accounts. Now, why on earth would Walker be sending money to Joe Biden’s family members if they weren’t involved in the CEFC deal? It’s almost like they were getting paid off for something. But fear not, because Comer, the House Oversight Committee Chairman, assured us that this payment was just a “thank you” for the work the Bidens did while Joe was in office. Because what says “thank you” like millions of dollars in questionable transactions?

And let’s not forget the letterhead! According to Walker’s testimony, Hunter Biden’s letterhead was allegedly used in 2016 to thank a CEFC official for their “working relationship.” How sweet! It’s touching to see Hunter expressing his gratitude for all the money they were funneling his way. It’s clear that this “working relationship” extended beyond business and into the realm of familial bond. Who needs ethics when you’ve got family, right?

But wait, there’s more! Remember when Joe Biden said his son never made money from China? Turns out that was just another one of his little fibs. According to the evidence, the alleged business relationship with CEFC began in 2015, but no one received payment until Joe Biden left office. Coincidence? I think not. It seems like the Bidens were biding their time, waiting for the right moment to cash in on their political connections. And once Joe was out of the White House, the money came rolling in. Cha-ching!

Now, I know what you’re thinking. Isn’t Joe Biden innocent in all of this? After all, Walker did testify in his opening statement that Joe wasn’t involved in his son’s foreign business dealings. Well, if you believe that, I’ve got a bridge to sell you. It’s clear as day that Joe Biden was aware of what was happening. Why else would he take the time to meet with CEFC officials right after leaving office? I’m sure it was just to catch up on the latest family gossip. Or maybe it was to make sure the money was still flowing. Either way, it doesn’t look good for ol’ Joe.

The corruption and sleaze surrounding the Biden family is truly astounding. It’s a shame that the liberal media continues to turn a blind eye to their wrongdoing. If this were any other politician’s family, there would be outrage and demands for investigations. But because it’s the beloved Biden clan, they get a free pass. Well, it’s time for the American people to wake up and demand accountability. Our country deserves better than a president who turns a blind eye to his family’s shady dealings. It’s time to drain the swamp once and for all!

Written by Staff Reports

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