
Shocking Twist: Federal Judge Clobbers CA Assault Weapons Ban, Deems it Unconstitutional!

In a recent ruling, Judge Roger Benitez of the Southern District Court struck down California’s assault weapons ban as unconstitutional. This is not the first time that Judge Benitez has made such a ruling, and it is likely that the state will appeal the decision. However, Benitez’s ruling is a clear affirmation of the individual’s right to bear arms, as protected by the Second Amendment.

California’s assault weapons ban had been deemed unconstitutional because it violated the individual’s right to possess and carry firearms. Judge Benitez emphasized that this right is fully binding on the states and that it includes the possession of weapons that are “in common use” by law-abiding citizens. This ruling is a win for gun rights advocates and a blow to liberal justices who have shown a disregard for the Constitution.

It’s clear that the fight for gun rights is far from over. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, known for its liberal leanings, will likely overturn Benitez’s ruling and wait for the state to appeal. However, it is important to remember that these liberal justices have shown a disdain for the protection of liberty and the rights enshrined in our founding documents.

The need for assault weapons is more crucial than ever, especially in the face of terrorist attacks like those perpetrated by Hamas against Israel. As Thomas Jefferson once said, “What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance?” We must be able to protect ourselves and our families from any potential threats, whether it be a tyrannical government or a terrorist attack.

The legal battle for gun rights will surely be a long one, but let us hope that the Constitution and the Second Amendment come out victorious in the end. We must continue to fight for our rights and never back down in the face of opposition.

Written by Staff Reports

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