
Shocking Twist: Prosecutor Denied Special Counsel in Hunter Saga?

In a shocking twist to the never-ending saga of Hunter Biden’s legal troubles, the Delaware prosecutor handling the case has now denied ever seeking special counsel powers. This revelation comes amidst accusations from IRS whistleblowers that he was denied the opportunity to bring charges in other districts. But fear not, dear readers, for the truth shall prevail.

U.S. Attorney David Weiss, in a letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Lindsay Graham, made it clear that he never asked to be appointed as a special counsel. He did, however, have discussions about the possibility of being able to file charges in a district outside his own without the involvement of the local U.S. Attorney. But hey, don’t we all have discussions about hypothetical scenarios? That’s just good old-fashioned brainstorming.

Weiss reassured everyone that he had been assured that he would be granted this authority if it proved necessary. So there you have it! The reassurance came months before the infamous October 7th meeting that the whistleblowers keep harping on about. Weiss even emphasized that he has never been denied the authority to bring charges in any jurisdiction. Case closed, right?

Well, not so fast. These whistleblowers seem to conveniently forget that Weiss’s letter does not mention the specifics of his meeting with IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley. Shapley claims to have heard Weiss say that he wouldn’t be the “deciding official on whether charges are filed.” But let’s be honest, folks, hearsay is hardly reliable evidence. We need concrete facts, not secondhand accounts.

Shapley, a self-proclaimed career bureaucrat with the IRS, has been making quite the ruckus with his outrageous allegations. He alleges that his team of investigators was prevented from pursuing leads that could have potentially linked President Joe Biden to his son’s crimes. And if that wasn’t enough, he also claims that Weiss dismissed experienced prosecutors from the case and brought in rookies. But we all know that career bureaucrats aren’t always the most trustworthy of individuals. They tend to have their own agenda, don’t they?

But hang on a minute, because things get even more interesting. It turns out that U.S. attorneys in other jurisdictions where Hunter Biden wasn’t charged made political donations to President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. Now, isn’t that a curious coincidence? It almost feels like there might be some political bias at play here. But hey, who needs objectivity and fairness when it comes to the federal justice system, right?

So here we are, ladies and gentlemen, witnessing a desperate attempt by Attorney General Merrick Garland, President Biden, and their fellow Democrats to deflect accusations of politicization. But fear not, for the truth will prevail. We just have to keep digging until we find the real story behind Hunter Biden’s legal escapades. And that’s where conservative voices like yours truly come in – constantly questioning, challenging, and exposing the liberal agenda. Stay tuned for more riveting developments in the never-ending Hunter Biden saga!

Written by Staff Reports

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