
Silent White House on Hunter Biden Probe: What Are They Hiding?

The White House was unusually quiet on Friday when it came to commenting on the Justice Department’s appointment of David Weiss as special counsel to oversee the investigation into Hunter Biden. President Joe Biden, fresh from a vacation in Delaware, made his return to Washington, D.C., but there was no press briefing scheduled for the day. This lack of transparency from the White House is concerning, especially given the serious nature of the investigation into the president’s son.

Attorney General Merrick Garland made the decision to elevate Weiss to this position, citing “extraordinary circumstances” and claiming it is in the public interest. But it’s hard not to see this as a politically motivated move. The Biden administration should not be given a pass when it comes to holding them accountable. Transparency and fair treatment under the law should be paramount, regardless of one’s political affiliation.

The fact that Hunter Biden’s plea agreement fell apart because the two sides couldn’t agree on terms for future immunity is troubling. It raises questions about what exactly the younger Biden is being investigated for. One possibility is that he may have violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act. These are serious allegations that should be thoroughly investigated, and the American people deserve to know the truth. That’s why it’s so concerning that the White House has chosen to stay silent on this matter.

Weiss himself confirmed that there is an impasse between the federal government and Hunter Biden’s defense team, showing that there is still much to be resolved in this case. It’s imperative that the investigation continues without political interference, and that justice is served. The American people deserve answers and accountability, and it’s up to the Justice Department to provide them.

Written by Staff Reports

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