
Silicon Valley’s Chilling Censorship Crusade: UN Joins Left’s Attack on Free Speech

The Left’s War on Free Speech: From Silicon Valley to the United Nations

Liberals have taken their disdain for free speech to a whole new level of creepiness. They can’t stand the fact that people might have different opinions, so they have created an environment where silencing opposing views is not just accepted – it’s actively encouraged. Nowhere is this more evident than in Silicon Valley, where former spy agents have been hired to control content moderation. Talk about Big Brother watching over you!

But it doesn’t stop there. The FBI is also getting involved in this suffocation of the First Amendment. They have a team dedicated to policing social media, banning accounts, manipulating public opinion, and reducing the reach of certain voices. It’s like living in a dystopian novel, where freedom of speech is a thing of the past.

Both parties are guilty of this behavior, but the Left has taken it to another level. Their agenda is so far removed from reality that they rely solely on emotions to push their initiatives. When confronted with facts, they resort to stifling opinions that don’t align with their narrative – even harmless ones. It’s like the days of McCarthyism all over again, but on steroids.

Even UC Berkeley, once a hub for free expression, has fallen victim to this madness. Now, if you dare to suggest that perhaps porn shouldn’t be readily available in middle school libraries, you risk being burned at the stake by the woke mob. It’s absurd!

But this war on free speech is not confined to the United States; it’s going global. Former New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern recently spoke at the United Nations, equating free speech to a weapon of war. What? Are we supposed to believe that expressing our opinions is equivalent to launching missiles at each other?

Law professor Jonathan Turley, rightfully horrified by her remarks, called out Ardern for her anti-free speech stance. She is leading the charge in the international push for censorship, demanding that opposing views be silenced in the name of fighting “misinformation” and “disinformation.” It’s a slippery slope, my friends.

What is truly chilling is that Ardern, who has received two fellowships from Harvard (shame on you, Harvard), is now considered a champion for free speech regulation. She has become the face of censorship and intolerance, all under the guise of empathy. This is not something we should be applauding; it’s something we should be fighting against.

So, what’s next? Are we going to have two minutes of hate sessions like in George Orwell’s 1984? Will our dictionaries be reduced to just 30 or 40 pages, with only approved words? It’s starting to feel like we’re living in a world where independent thought is frowned upon and conformity is the only path to survival. Double-plus good? I think not.

Written by Staff Reports

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