
Sleepy Biden’s Slim Lead Crushed by GOP Star Haley: Trump Train Still Chugging!

President Joe Biden, the sleepy guy who sometimes forgets what he’s saying mid-sentence, apparently has a slight lead over Donald Trump. But hold on to your Trump hats, folks, because Republican superstar Nikki Haley swoops in and crushes Biden in a head-to-head matchup. Quackity-quack, Joe, it looks like the Trump train is still chugging along!

This stunning revelation comes from a new Quinnipiac poll, known to be as reliable as a plastic fork at Thanksgiving dinner. According to these pollsters, Biden enjoys a measly six-point advantage over Trump. Now, these folks at Quinnipiac must have their poll numbers mixed up. If you ask any Republican, they’ll tell you that Trump is the King of Reality TV Ratings and Biden is barely keeping awake in the Oval Office.

In a bizarre twist, another poll from Bloomberg suggests that Biden is getting his tushy kicked by Trump in not one, not two, but all seven swing states! You heard that right, folks. The same swing states that we all know and love, like Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, and Nevada, are singing the Trump victory song. It seems like those pesky registered voters have different thoughts than the likely voters. But hey, who needs likely voters when you can have a massive poll sample of only 700 people per state? That’s about as convincing as a squirrel trying to convince a lion to join a nut-eating contest.

Now, here’s the kicker: it turns out that voters in those swing states blame Biden and his cronies for the mess happening at the border. Can you believe it? They actually have the audacity to blame Biden, who generously opened the floodgates for anyone and everyone to come right on in. But hey, why listen to the majority of voters when we can listen to the biased media and their love affair with the Borderless-in-Chief?

But wait, there’s more! The Quinnipiac poll also reveals that a whopping 24 percent of respondents believe that “preserving democracy” is the most urgent issue facing the country. Well, duh! Preserving democracy means keeping creepy, big government liberals from taking away our hard-earned dollars and our God-given freedoms. The economy and immigration come in a close second, proving that Americans are fed up with Biden’s job-killing policies and his inability to secure the border.

In the favorability department, both Trump and Biden have to spin that magical PR wand pretty hard. Trump, the man who built an empire and brought jobs back to America, has a meager 37 percent likability. Meanwhile, our nap-loving President Biden, the guy who can’t seem to find his way out of a paper bag, clocks in at a whopping 40 percent. These numbers tell us two things: either the people polled have no taste, or they’re just following the leftist media’s agenda.

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room. Polls are about as trustworthy as a snake oil salesman. Just look at 2016 when everyone and their cousin Betty thought Hillary Clinton would waltz her way to the presidency. Spoiler alert: she didn’t. Trump pulled off the greatest upset since David beat Goliath, and boy, did the left lose their marbles! So, take these polls with not just a grain of salt, but with a whole dump truck full of sodium chloride. We all know that the only poll that truly matters is the one that happens on Election Day.

Trump’s uphill battle is far from over. With all the ongoing legal battles and the biased media ever-ready to pounce, we need to stay vigilant and fight tooth and nail for our values. This election is crucial, and we can’t afford to let Biden and his team take us down a path of big government and socialism. It’s time to show the world that Trump’s victory in 2016 wasn’t just a fluke but a sign that the American people are tired of the same old political games. Game on!

Written by Staff Reports

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