
Smoking Gun: Hunter Biden Sweats as Trial Gavels In

Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, is facing the prospect of a trial after his previous plea deal fell apart in federal court. The initial deal included pleading guilty to misdemeanor tax charges and participating in a diversion program for illegal possession of a firearm. However, conveniently absent from the charges were any violations of the Foreign Agent Registration Act, despite Hunter Biden’s substantial financial gain from foreign entities.

Unfortunately for Hunter Biden, the plea deal was unraveled when a hidden immunity clause was discovered by U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika. As a result, Biden entered a not guilty plea and left the courthouse on pre-trial release. In a surprising twist, Hunter Biden now hopes to renegotiate the deal, a privilege not typically granted to defendants in similar situations.

However, the Department of Justice has announced that a plea deal is no longer on the table, and Hunter Biden is headed to trial. In court documents, it was stated that since the defendant did not plead guilty, a trial is now necessary. This development coincided with Attorney General Merrick Garland appointing U.S. Attorney David Wise, who handled the original plea agreement, as Special Counsel for further criminal investigation.

While awaiting trial, Hunter Biden must adhere to several conditions of release imposed by Judge Noreika. These conditions include supervision and reporting to the Central District of California, seeking employment, and providing written notification of any international travel plans.

Written by Staff Reports

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