
Smoking Gun? Hunter’s Ex-Partner Exposes Joe Biden’s Dirty Deals

In a bombshell revelation, Hunter Biden’s former best friend and business partner, Devon Archer, is set to spill the beans about Hunter’s business dealings and his father’s involvement. According to reports, Archer will testify before Congress and disclose that Hunter would regularly include his dad, then-Vice President Joe Biden, in meetings with his overseas business partners through speakerphone. Oh boy, it seems like the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!

One such meeting took place in Dubai on December 4, 2015, where Joe Biden was allegedly connected via speakerphone while Hunter introduced him to Ukrainian executives from the energy company Burisma. You know, the same company that paid Hunter a whopping $83,000 every month. Talk about a cushy job! And let’s not forget the luxurious dinner at the Four Seasons Resort Dubai at Jumeirah Beach that followed. Awfully cozy, isn’t it?

But that’s not all folks! Archer is expected to spill more tea about other instances where Hunter showcased his ability to get his dad on the line, including a fancy restaurant meeting in Paris. Hunter sure knew how to impress potential investors, didn’t he? No wonder those Russians and Ukrainians were lining up to cozy up to the Bidens. The whole thing reads like a high-stakes, international episode of “Take Your Son to Work Day.”

It’s worth noting the timing of these meetings is crucial. While all this lavish wining and dining was happening, Ukrainian prosecutor general Viktor Shokin was investigating Burisma for corruption. And wouldn’t you know it, Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in US aid to Ukraine if Shokin wasn’t fired. Lo and behold, Shokin got the boot! Biden himself bragged about it, saying, “Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.” Can you believe the audacity?

Archer is adamant about testifying, claiming it’s his civic duty and that he has nothing to hide. And he’s not alone. Tony Bobulinski, another former business partner, recalls an incident by the pool at the Chateau Marmont in LA where Hunter offered to connect his dad on the phone. Seems like Hunter was quite confident that his father would always take his calls, no matter what. Who needs lawyers and gatekeepers when you’re the son of a powerful political figure, right?

All in all, this testimony is sure to shed light on the shady dealings of the Biden family. There’s even a mysterious “big guy” nickname thrown around by Hunter’s business partners, which refers to none other than Joe Biden himself. If you thought the Biden family’s global influence peddling was a small-scale operation, think again. And don’t even get me started on the alleged $10 million bribe paid to ensure Shokin’s firing. Looks like the Bidens were raking in the big bucks!

But hey, don’t take this writer’s word for it. Stay tuned for Archer’s testimony and see for yourself how deep the rabbit hole goes. It’s clear that there’s a lot more to this story than meets the eye, and the American people deserve the truth. Or maybe we can just sweep it under the rug like everything else these days. Your call.

Written by Staff Reports

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