
Snopes Stuns Left: Debunks Biden’s Smear Campaign Against Trump!

Liberals are in a frenzy after the notoriously dishonest fact-checking website Snopes ruled in favor of former President Donald Trump. Snopes, which is known for its biased judgments, unexpectedly sided with Trump on a claim made by President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign team. The claim alleged that Trump had openly admitted to “waging an all-out war on American democracy.”

However, even the website that liberals typically turn to for support couldn’t back up this outlandish accusation. Snopes ruled the claim as false, stating that Trump was actually accusing his political opponents of waging war, not himself. It seems liberals can’t handle it when even their own “fact-checkers” don’t support their wild claims.

But let’s face it, Snopes isn’t exactly known for its impartiality. Like a liberal Supreme Court justice, the writers on the website seem to have a knack for reaching their conclusions first and then finding a way to justify them. Conservatives are enjoying this rare victory, though they’re not holding their breath for Snopes to suddenly become an honest and reliable source of information.

Liberals, on the other hand, are losing their minds over this small setback. They simply can’t handle the idea that their grip on power is slipping, even when it’s just a fact-checking website ruling against them. It’s clear that liberals will stop at nothing to maintain control, even if it means distorting the truth and attacking anyone who disagrees with them. But, hey, at least conservatives can enjoy this rare victory, even if it’s just a momentary one.

Written by Staff Reports

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