
Spine-Chilling Tales from the Border Unearthed by Ted Cruz!

The crisis at the U.S. southern border remains a top concern as President Joe Biden fails to take action to address human and sex trafficking, especially involving children. Even Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz, who recently visited the border, witnessed a disturbing incident. He encountered a man claiming to be the father of a 10-year-old girl, but it was evident that he was lying.

The man tightly held onto the little girl, preventing her from escaping. Cruz took to Twitter to describe the horrifying experience and express his disappointment with the open borders policy. He shared, “Every supporter of open borders should have seen the look of terror on that little girl’s face. She was so frightened.” It’s disheartening to know that under Biden’s policies, Border Patrol is powerless to intervene in such situations and must simply process and release these individuals into the country.

Cruz also highlighted the difference in approach between Biden and former President Donald Trump. Under Trump’s administration, DNA testing was implemented to verify parental relationships. This crucial measure aimed to combat the rampant pedophilia and abuse that occur due to lax verification processes. Unfortunately, Biden removed this policy, thereby allowing pedophiles and abusers to claim they are parents or guardians without any verification. It’s clear that Trump had the right idea with his adult and child separation policy, coupled with DNA testing. These measures were designed to fight against the immoral practices that exploit children. Biden’s policies, on the other hand, have only played into the hands of pedophile rings and human traffickers.

The issue of verifying parental-child relationships has long plagued the Department of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services. False documentation, smugglers’ profits, and fake asylum claims have made it nearly impossible to confirm if adults traveling with children are indeed their parents. Even back in 2016, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley warned about the dangers of catch-and-release policies that enable the smuggling industry. Non-Mexican or Canadian individuals crossing the border with a child were automatically treated as a family unit, processed, and released into the interior. However, zero-tolerance policies under Trump mandated that they be detained and prosecuted.

This change in approach sought to disrupt human smugglers. It has been reported that these smugglers are exploiting children by pairing them with unrelated adults to avoid detection. Some children are even kidnapped or adopted and then smuggled into the United States with their unrelated adult “family members”. This has created a lucrative underground market for counterfeit birth certificates and leaves these vulnerable children susceptible to labor or sex trafficking.

Sadly, despite all the focus on addressing the issue of children crossing the border, the flow of single adult males into the country shows no signs of slowing down. This adds to the already complex and multifaceted problem at the southern border.

Written by Staff Reports

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