
Squad’s Casar Left Drenched: Epic Fail on ‘Water’ Strike, Conservatives Have a Splash!

A new member of the Squad, Rep. Greg Casar (D-TX), has made a valiant effort to earn the title of the “most mocked progressive posturing effort.” Casar, representing Austin and San Antonio, went on a “water strike” to advocate for a federal heat rule that would mandate water breaks for outdoor workers across the country. While it’s no surprise that leftists want the federal government to control every aspect of our lives, this particular posturing effort is especially laughable.

Casar vowed to abstain from drinking liquids for solidarity with workers facing high temperatures. But here’s the thing – workers can easily have water with them, and many jobs provide water breaks. So Casar’s thirst strike was nothing more than a play-acting spectacle to create attention for himself. And if you look at the pictures, he even had a wet towel and a pulse oximeter to make it seem like he was enduring great hardship.

After a grueling eight hours of sitting around and getting attention, Casar finally ended his theater and took a big swig of water. The mockery poured in, with people comparing his “suffering” to skipping a meal or fasting during Ramadan or Tisha B’Av. Casar may have thought he was making an impression, but the only impression he made was one of ridiculousness.

It’s clear that Casar’s water strike was not about worker protections but about pushing for more federal control. This kind of posturing from the left is nothing new, but it’s always worth pointing out their hypocrisy and grandstanding.

Written by Staff Reports

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