
Starbucks Fiasco: White Manager Scores $25.6M in Racial Bias Lawsuit Win

In a resounding victory against the leftist tyrannical mob, white Starbucks manager, Shannon Phillips has been awarded a whopping $25.6 million in damages in her lawsuit against the pretentious and “woke” coffee giant. A federal jury in New Jersey had the common sense to conclude that Phillips’ civil rights were intentionally violated by Starbucks when they wrongfully terminated her employment solely on the grounds of her race. This lawsuit has been in litigation for five long years since the fraudulent high-profile arrests of the two black men at the Philadelphia Starbucks store that Phillip oversaw.

Way back in 2018, Rashon Nelson and Donte Robinson were denied access to the restroom and were asked to leave the store, subsequently being detained by law enforcement for sitting without having made a purchase. The activist media used this situation to ignite a series of protests and allegations of racism against Starbucks, as well as prompting boycott threats. The former Starbucks CEO, Kevin Johnson went on to apologize to these men personally and promptly closed over 8,000 locations to put its 175,000 employees through an absurd racial bias training.

Phillips, who has dedicated her life to Starbucks for 13 years, has been awarded $25 million in punitive damages, in addition to $600,000 in compensatory damages. Her lawsuit filed in 2019 maintains that she had nothing to do with the arrests, yet was unjustly terminated just a month after the incident occurred. Phillips, being a dedicated employee to Starbucks, worked “tirelessly” to rebuild and mend community relations in the aftermath of the controversy. Nonetheless, Starbucks began punishing white employees who were not involved in the incident as part of their floundering public relations efforts.

The lawsuit filed by Phillips alleged that the company:

“… took steps to punish White employees who had not been involved in the arrests, but who worked in and around the city of Philadelphia, in an effort to convince the community that it had properly responded to the incident.”

Additionally, the lawsuit revealed that Phillips was instructed by the company to place a long-standing white male manager on administrative leave due to a race discrimination allegation. The accusation stemmed from complaints regarding wage disparities between non-white and white employees at the manager’s store. Phillips contested this decision, highlighting the manager’s lack of authority over wages and maintaining that she had never witnessed any discriminatory behavior from him. In contrast, Phillips pointed out that the black manager at the store where the arrests occurred faced no disciplinary action, despite one of their subordinates calling 911 after the two men refused to leave.

In conclusion, justice has been served, and Phillips has finally received her due credit for all her hard work – as she should. This frivolous case serves as a reminder of all that is wrong with the progressive cultural virtue signaling Starbucks has been engaging in for so many years. It also highlights the extent to which mainstream media publications can be used as tools of manipulation in service of leftist mobs.

Written by Staff Reports

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