
Starbucks Pays Whopping $2.7M to Manager Axed for Being White!

In a stunning turn of events, a white Starbucks manager who was unjustly fired for an incident that occurred at a Philadelphia store has been awarded a staggering $2.7 million in damages. This comes on top of the $25 million she had previously been awarded for wrongful termination. Talk about sweet justice!

Let’s rewind to 2018 when Shannon Phillips found herself at the center of controversy after two black men were denied access to the store bathroom because they were not paying customers. Now, let’s be clear here, folks. Starbucks had a policy in place at the time that prohibited non-paying customers from using the restrooms. It’s not like Phillips was just making things up as she went along. But of course, we live in an age where facts and logic take a backseat to woke outrage.

Things escalated when the two men not only refused to leave but were also arrested for trespassing. Cue the “peaceful protests” from BLM agitators who show up whenever they smell an opportunity to play the victim card. And of course, Starbucks, in classic virtue signaling fashion, quickly issued an apology to the two men and implemented racial bias training for all their employees. Because apparently, one incident can suddenly brand an entire company as racist.

But here’s where it gets really interesting, folks. After Starbucks opened up their bathrooms to everyone, their employees started finding syringes, drug baggies, and blood in those very same bathrooms. Gee, I wonder why? Maybe because allowing anyone and everyone to use your facilities, regardless of whether they’re paying customers or not, leads to some unsavory consequences. Imagine that!

Despite Shannon Phillips not even being present at the Philadelphia branch when the incident occurred, she was still fired because she had the audacity to be white. But justice has finally prevailed, with a judge ordering Starbucks to cough up an additional $2,736,755 in back pay for Phillips. That’s right, folks. The money will be flowing her way as a result of the discrimination she faced simply for being the wrong skin color.

Starbucks, predictably, is fighting tooth and nail against this ruling, claiming that the legal fees are “excessive.” Well, I’m sorry, Starbucks, but you brought this upon yourselves with your knee-jerk reaction to appease the woke mob. Maybe next time, you’ll think twice before throwing an innocent manager under the bus just to score some brownie points with the social justice warriors. But something tells me that logic and reason are still in short supply over at Starbucks headquarters.

Written by Staff Reports

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