
State AGs Blast Biden’s Gas Export Freeze, Cite Law Flout & Econ Harm

A group of tough state attorneys general fired off a letter to President Joe Biden Tuesday, giving him a piece of their minds about his decision to slam the brakes on new natural gas export sites. These attorneys general, representing about two dozen states, minced no words as they ripped into Biden’s move, calling it a big no-no and accusing him of stomping all over federal law.

Biden tried to defend his freeze last month by spouting off about climate change, but these attorney big shots weren’t having it. They straight-up told him to cut it out and let the natural gas flow, warning him that his freeze is a one-way ticket to hurting the economy and putting national security at risk.

The letter from the attorneys general laid it all out, pointing out that the Department of Energy doesn’t have the power to just toss export permits in the trash. They schooled Biden on the fact that the agency didn’t bother going through the proper rulemaking process, which is like skipping the line at the cafeteria and angering all the kids who’ve been waiting patiently for their lunch.

Over in the House, Rep. Cathy McMorris-Rodgers let Biden have it at a hearing, calling out the administration for pulling a fast one with this “pause” that’s more like a full-on ban. She made it crystal clear that natural gas is a huge job creator and a game-changer for American manufacturing, giving the economy a much-needed boost.

And it’s not just the attorneys general and the House Republicans who are giving Biden a piece of their minds. Even some Democrats are laying into him for his freeze, but the White House is standing firm, saying the U.S. is already rockin’ it as the top dog in natural gas exports and that the exports are about to shoot through the roof in the near future.

But hold on a minute – the White House isn’t finished yet! They’re also making sure to remind everyone that we need to look out for our communities’ health and safety, especially the ones that get hit the hardest by pollution from new export sites. They’re saying the pause in approvals will give them a chance to make sure everything’s A-OK before plowing ahead.

The attorneys general who signed off on this scorching letter to Biden hail from states all over the map, including Alabama, Georgia, Texas, and plenty more. That’s a whole bunch of legal muscle coming together to put the heat on Biden and make sure he knows they mean business when it comes to natural gas exports. Watch out, Mr. President – these attorneys general aren’t backing down!

Written by Staff Reports

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