
Sununu Promises Major Shake-Up in GOP Primary: Dems Beware!

In a recent op-ed for the liberal New York Times, New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu made it clear that he will stop at nothing to prevent former President Donald Trump from securing the Republican nomination in 2024. Sununu, a Republican himself, pledged to “endorse and campaign” for whichever candidate emerges as the most viable alternative to Trump in the GOP field.

Sununu’s main goal is to narrow the primary field in an effort to obstruct Trump’s chances of winning the nomination. He urges his fellow Republican candidates to take a more aggressive stance against Trump and present their case to the American people. Sununu believes that if candidates fail to gain momentum and catch fire with voters, they should graciously step aside and make room for a stronger candidate who can effectively challenge Trump.

As Sununu rightly points out, if the GOP were to nominate Trump for a third consecutive time, it would be a bruising general election. Citing a recent poll, he highlights that a significant majority of adults, 63% to be precise, would definitely or probably not support Trump in 2024. This data should not be ignored, as it indicates that Trump carries substantial electoral baggage that could harm other Republican candidates running for office at various levels.

The New Hampshire governor also emphasizes the importance of engaging directly with voters in his state to earn their support. He notes that Trump’s polling numbers in key early primary states like Iowa and New Hampshire are not as strong as they once were. This could provide an opportunity for an alternative candidate to emerge and gain traction among voters.

While Sununu claims he does not believe Trump will win the nomination, he has also expressed his willingness to support him if he does secure it. This raises questions about the sincerity of Sununu’s opposition to Trump and whether he is truly committed to preventing him from becoming the nominee.

In conclusion, Governor Chris Sununu’s op-ed reveals his determination to prevent Donald Trump from obtaining the Republican nomination in 2024. While his intentions may seem noble, his true commitment to opposing Trump is questionable. At the end of the day, the Republican Party must choose a candidate who can both energize the base and attract independent voters, regardless of who that candidate might be.

Written by Staff Reports

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