
Sununu Says Yes to Trump: GOP Unity or Desperation Play?

Gov. Chris Sununu, a proud Republican from New Hampshire, made it crystal clear on CNN that he’s willing to throw his support behind former President Donald Trump if he becomes the Republican nominee once again. This declaration came after an intense debate between former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on the same network.

During his appearance, Sununu didn’t hold back, expressing his unwavering commitment to vote for the Republican nominee, regardless of who it may be. When pressed about the possibility of Trump facing legal troubles, Sununu boldly proclaimed that the former president’s popularity is soaring, even surpassing President Joe Biden in most polls. In his eyes, Biden is such a disappointment that even a hypothetical convicted felon Trump could triumph in the election.

This candid support for Trump marks a sharp turnaround for Governor Sununu, who previously vocalized concerns that backing Trump would only pave the way for Vice President Kamala Harris to take the reins. The governor’s past opposition to Trump was no secret, and he even pushed for former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to exit the presidential race in favor of giving Nikki Haley a better chance.

As the nation eagerly anticipates the first primary in New Hampshire on Jan. 23, Sununu’s pledge to rally behind the Republican nominee, no matter what, suggests a solidification of conservative support for the potential return of Donald Trump to the political spotlight.

Written by Staff Reports

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