
Sununu Shreds Phillips’s Feeble Biden Challenge

Gov. Chris Sununu (R-NH) Exposes Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) as Weak Challenger to President Biden

In an exclusive interview with the Washington Examiner, Governor Chris Sununu (R-NH) revealed that the relatively unknown Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) is making feeble attempts to gain traction among Democratic and undeclared voters in New Hampshire. Sununu dismissed Phillips’s efforts as laughable, stating that Phillips is “definitely making a splash” and “giving a great speech” but he hasn’t seen it himself, so he’s not buying it. In classic politician fashion, Sununu throws some shade at his rival, calling Phillips’s campaign against Biden “controversial,” which is just a nice way of saying it’s a total flop.

As if Phillips’s campaign wasn’t already hanging by a thread, President Biden didn’t even bother filing for the Democratic primary in New Hampshire. Sununu didn’t hold back, calling Biden’s potential write-in strategy “kind of pathetic.” If a sitting president has to resort to a write-in effort, then it’s clear they can’t stand on their own two feet. It’s like when your friend tries to invite themselves to a party that they weren’t invited to in the first place. Desperate much, Biden?

But that’s not even the best part. Sununu boldly declared that Phillips’s mere presence in the race is evidence that the Democratic Party has “wised up” and finally realized that old Sleepy Joe Biden is a sinking ship. As Sununu puts it, “everyone knows Biden can lose. He’s so bad that he can lose to even Trump, potentially on the national level.” Ouch! It looks like Phillips and the Democrats are starting to smell the coffee, or in this case, the conservative victory.

But hold onto your hats, folks, because Sununu isn’t done dropping truth bombs. He predicts that neither Biden nor Trump will end up on the ballot as the Democratic and Republican nominees in 2024. According to Sununu, America is over it and ready for a fresh face. If Biden and Trump think they’re shoe-ins for another round, they better think again. Sununu is convinced it’s going to be a Republican-Democrat showdown, and he’s already tapping his foot, waiting for the GOP to rally behind a better option once they realize they can beat Trump.

The governor didn’t stop there, though. He called out the Democratic Party for being “mischievous and conniving” (ouch, harsh words, Sununu!) and predicted some shady shenanigans to plot the downfall of Biden’s potential candidacy. Sununu believes that the Democrats are going to engineer a secret plan to push Biden out of the race, likely working with the Bidens directly to convince Biden to step aside. According to Sununu, the Democrats are so spooked by the thought of a Biden nomination that they’re willing to go to extreme lengths to avoid it. Talk about cutting your losses, Democrats.

Of course, Biden’s campaign couldn’t resist clapping back at Sununu’s bold statements about Phillips’s progress. They unleashed their rapid response director to fire back at Sununu, calling him a “MAGA Republican governor” who’s “been wrong about everything.” It’s like high school all over again, with the jabs and name-calling. But hey, that’s politics for you, folks.

Despite all the political drama, a poll from the University of New Hampshire Survey Center showed that Phillips has managed to scrape together a measly 10% of support, while Biden is comfortably sitting at 65%. It’s like watching a David and Goliath match-up, but in this case, Goliath isn’t even paying attention to the tiny little challenger nipping at his heels. Phillips might have some catching up to do if he wants to play in the big leagues.

In the grand scheme of things, it looks like Sununu sees right through Phillips’s attempts to make a name for himself in New Hampshire. If Phillips wants to take on the big dogs, he’s going to need more than just some “controversial” campaign and a good speech. At the end of the day, Sununu isn’t buying what Phillips is selling, and it’s going to take a whole lot more than splash and sparkle to make a dent in the political landscape. Better luck next time, Phillips.

Written by Staff Reports

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