
Sununu Surrenders: Even Never-Trumper Prefers Trump Over Bumbling Biden in 2024!

Oh boy, get ready for some juicy political drama, folks! It turns out that even the notorious never-Trumper, Governor Chris Sununu of New Hampshire, can’t ignore the undeniable truth. In a shocking twist, Sununu admitted that he would rather cast his vote for the 45th president, Donald J. Trump, than for the bumbling Joe Biden come 2024. Can you blame him? I mean, have you seen Biden lately? Half the time he’s lost in la la land, and the other half he’s tripping over himself or pushing his extreme Leftist agenda. It’s truly a sight to behold.

Now, hold on to your hats because Sununu, who has been no stranger to criticizing Trump in the past, hinted that he would actually put his pride aside and vote for the man himself. Talk about political gymnastics! Of course, Sununu clarified that he always votes Republican, so it’s not like he’s suddenly turned into a MAGA hat enthusiast overnight. But hey, at least he’s recognizing that Trump is a force to be reckoned with.

According to Sununu, it’s “more likely than not” that Trump will be the Republican nominee in 2024. And you know what? He might be onto something. Recent polls have shown that Trump is leading the pack, leaving his GOP rivals in the dust. Just look at Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, who is trailing behind with a measly 14 percent. It’s clear that the Republican base still has a burning passion for the 45th president. Can’t say the same for Sleepy Joe, can we?

But wait, there’s more! Sununu also predicted that the Democrats, realizing what a disaster Biden has become, might just abandon ship before they let him crash and burn in the next election. And you know what? I can’t blame them either. Biden’s performance has been so bad that even Trump, with all his bluster and controversy, could potentially come out on top. It’s that bad, folks. When the other side starts losing faith in their own guy, you know it’s time for a change.


Written by Staff Reports

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