
Supreme Court Slams Biden’s Border Failures: Time for Congress to Step Up

The recent Supreme Court ruling in United States v. Texas regarding the southern border and immigration law made it abundantly clear that Joe Biden and his administration have completely failed to enforce federal law. It is the executive branch’s duty to enforce these laws, and the Court has made it clear that it is not their responsibility to make the Biden administration do its job. Sadly, the states’ arguments were not considered because they did not have the standing to sue the administration.

Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s decision, which was supported by Chief Justice John Roberts and the three liberal justices, states that the federal courts simply cannot force the Executive Branch to make more arrests. Nonetheless, it is essential to note that the opinion does not prohibit federal courts from addressing cases where the executive may not be carrying out the law. It lays out five scenarios in which the judicial branch can intervene, including Congress’s ability to use its power to force a change in presidential policy.

The Court’s ruling implies that it is the president’s constitutional obligation to faithfully execute the law, and the executive continues to drop the ball in that regard. It is cause for concern that states like Texas and Louisiana cannot enforce their interpretation of federal law on the Biden administration.

If Biden is not enforcing federal law dealing with the southern border, Congress should be the body to hold the executive accountable. Meanwhile, Republicans need to take action, not through Biden’s impeachment, but by aggressively pursuing Alejandro Mayorkas, the Homeland Security Secretary because the voting system was put in place to ensure that the voters elect those who will carry out their constitutional oath.

In essence, the Supreme Court made the appropriate ruling, even though Texas will suffer. It is up to every American to ensure that our leaders uphold federal law, and the failure of the Biden administration to carry out this responsibility should be appropriately addressed.

Written by Staff Reports

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