Boy oh boy, the U.S. Supreme Court just stepped in to give the Biden administration a little reality check when it comes to their cozy relationship with social media companies. You see, the Court just put a temporary pause on a recent ruling that would have put restrictions on the administration’s ability to manipulate Big Tech. Thank goodness for some common sense!
Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty. Last week, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, based in New Orleans, upheld a lower court ruling that put constraints on the Biden administration’s contact with social media platforms. But hold onto your hats, folks, because the appellate court didn’t just rubber-stamp the lower court’s decision. They actually narrowed those restrictions. That’s what we like to see – a little bit of sanity!
According to NBC, the appellate court ordered the White House, the FBI, and top health officials to not “coerce or significantly encourage” social media companies into removing content that the Biden administration deems as misinformation. Well, well, well, looks like someone put their foot down and said enough is enough!
Now, let’s not forget why we’re in this mess in the first place. It all started with a lawsuit filed by the states of Missouri and Louisiana, as well as a brave conservative website owner and four individuals. They accused the Biden administration of strong-arming Big Tech into censoring any posts that dared to challenge their precious narrative, especially when it came to the COVID-19 pandemic.
And guess what? The appellate court agreed with them! They found that the Biden administration was using “intimidating messages and threats of adverse consequences” to pressure social media platforms. They also called out the administration for violating the First Amendment by stepping all over the decision-making processes of these platforms. You go, judges!
But, of course, the Biden administration couldn’t accept defeat gracefully. They had to run to the Supreme Court and beg for a temporary stay on the ruling. Well, guess what? The justices didn’t just grant that request, oh no. Justice Samuel Alito swooped in and said, “Hold your horses, Biden. We’re gonna need some more time to consider your plea.”
Phew! It’s like a breath of fresh air to see the wheels of justice turning. Alito’s temporary stay basically removes the restrictions while the Supreme Court decides whether or not to grant the Biden administration’s request. It’s a small victory, but it’s a victory nonetheless.
Now, we’re eagerly waiting for Missouri and Louisiana’s response to the Biden administration’s desperate filing. I have a feeling they won’t be holding back any punches. Stay tuned, folks, because conservative states aren’t afraid to stand up to this administration’s unconstitutional antics. And for that, we should be eternally grateful!